A revised Scheme of Delegation and Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee has been agreed and will take effect from Monday 28th January 2019.
The main changes relate to the referral of planning applications to Planning Committee. Please note that the referral process excludes:
- Pre Application Notices,
- Applications for Works to Trees,
- Discharge of Conditions,
- Non Material Changes,
- Certificates of Lawful Development
- Those applications where the refusal relates to road safety or flooding, or where additional information including design changes required to determine the application has not been submitted.
The contentious list of applications published on a weekly basis will only include those applications where the decision is to refuse permission or consent and excluding the above.
Applications where the decision is to approve, or approve and 5 or less objections have been received from separate addresses are delegated to officers and will issue.
Requests to speak at the Planning Committee must be registered by emailing planning@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk by 12noon on the Thursday immediately prior to the Planning Committee meeting providing:
- name of person speaking,
- whether they are in support or objection to the application and
- The planning reference of the application on which they wish to speak.
Only those registered through this email address and providing all of the information detailed within the timeframe will be allowed to speak.
Note that no documentation shall be circulated directly to Members from the public.
All documentation must be submitted to the Planning Department via planning@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk and not to individual officers email addresses.
All documentation must be received by 6pm on the Friday prior to the Planning Committee meeting.
Only information sent to the Planning Department will be considered by Members in the determination of the planning application.
The revised Scheme of Delegation and Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee are available to view at the link below: