A new Easy Read guide about community safety has been officially launched at Rossmar School in Limavady.
Developed by Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) and Mencap, the new resource features information about Neighbourhood Watch schemes, advice on how to stay safe while at home and out and about, along with contact details for useful organisations.
The production of the guide follows on from the PCSP’s most recent consultation, which sought the views and opinions of those with disabilities and their carers, with insights about community safety gathered using online questionnaires and focus groups.
Commenting on the initiative, Councillor Adrian McQuillan, Chair of the PCSP said: “Everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes and in the wider community, and the PCSP is committed to playing its part in this.
“Those living with disabilities are among the most vulnerable members of our society, and we’ve worked with Mencap on this particular initiative to ensure they are aware of safety issues.
“We would like to thank everyone who took part in our consultation, and it’s encouraging to now see this useful guide distributed to schools and community groups throughout the Borough, providing clear information about staying safe and protecting your property.
“It’s particularly fitting as we celebrate Learning Disability Week from June 20th -25th that we launch this very worthwhile scheme which will help to ensure that all members of our community are well informed about community safety matters.”
Vice Principal of Rossmar School, Ms Archibald, added: “Our pupils were very happy to provide their views on what helps them feel safe and unsafe.
“It is positive to see their views, as well as the views of others with disabilities within the community, being turned into positive actions that will help increase accessibility of services.
“This Easy Read guide is an extremely useful and practical source of information for our pupils to help make them stay safe and I would like to thank the PCSP for organising the visit to our school to help launch the guide.”
To access the Easy Read guide click here
For more information about the guide or the PCSP’s recent consultation please email: pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or call 028 703 47034.