62 slow cooker kits will be distributed to households identified with vulnerable members across Causeway Coast and Glens over the coming days.
The scheme has been developed by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and the Northern Healthy Lifestyles Partnership, supported by Causeway Coast Vineyard and Henderson Retail. It is funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust and the Public Health Agency.
The kits include:
- A slow cooker
- Cookbook
- Recipe ingredients for two meals
It is hoped they will provide a more sustainable option for shielding households to make healthy meals as slow cookers are simple to use, require little preparation time and can help to make nutritious food on a budget. The cookbook will include handy hints and tips on how families can make the most of their slow cooker and the recipes should provide at least four portions.
Welcoming the roll out of the scheme, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Alderman Mark Fielding said: “It’s vital that we support the health and wellbeing of those who are shielding and this scheme is a great example of how working together with other agencies can enhance the lives of our residents. Practical support like this is very important during these unprecedented times, and these kits will make a real difference to vulnerable people across the area.”
Michelle Donnelly from Henderson Retail added; “since the beginning of lockdown our store teams have been doing all they can for their local communities, from providing home deliveries to the isolated and vulnerable, to helping foodbanks, charities and community groups. Providing these ingredients means those who are still shielding can still enjoy a fresh, hot meal without any hassle. The slow cooker initiative is a fantastic idea and we’re very proud to be part of it.”
For more information please contact:
patrick.mcgettigan@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk 07759 536625
Rachael.wauchope@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk 07841 970330
Pictured at the launch of the Slow Cooker scheme at Cloonavin are (left – right) Rachael Wauchope (Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council), Patrick McGettigan, (Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council), Alderman Mark Fielding, Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Sandra Anderson, Northern Health & Social Care Trust and Michelle Donnelly, Henderson Retail.