
The UN’S seventieth birthday marked in Causeway Coast and Glens

Wed, October 28, 2015

To recognise the start of the seventieth year of the United Nations, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan hosted a reception at the Mayor’s Parlour in Cloonavin in which pupils from Sandelford Special School School presented her with a copy of the UN Charter.  Members of the United Nations Association Northern Ireland (UNA-NI) also attended the event.

Mayor Knight-McQuillan commented, ‘I’m delighted to hold this reception to recognise the continued work the United Nations do to bring nations and societies, such as our own here in Northern Ireland together to work on peace and building better futures for everyone.’

The United Nations, set up in 1945 and remembered every year on 24th October, exists to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the well being of all people. It also affords the opportunity for countries to balance global interdependence and national interests when addressing international problems. 

UNA-NI is part of the UNA-UK association which is the leading source of independent analysis of the United Nations and a grassroots movement promoting a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.  UNA-NI is a volunteer-run group which supports UNA-UK's work by organising a diverse range of activities, such as awareness-raising events with keynote speakers. It supports and works with other like-minded organisations which help to promote the United Nations at a local level.

UNA-NI’s Chairperson, Mrs Judith Fawcett, said, “The 70th Anniversary of the UN will be celebrated world-wide and provides an opportunity to reflect on the benefits of its work to our daily lives, the expectation that the international community will work together to address problems cooperatively and the challenges facing governments currently. Recognising the importance of supporting the excellent work carried out in our schools to encourage an understanding of global peace and interdependence, UNA-NI is using the opportunity to engage with the new Councils and to invite local schools in each district to make a presentation of the UN Charter to their Council.”  

End of Press Release