A new programme celebrating the shared heritage of Rathlin Island, Ballycastle and The Glens took place recently.
The ‘Your Place and Mine’ workshops, facilitated by Gordon McCoy, Pat Mc Kay and Kay Muhr, gave participants the opportunity to learn about local townland names, their origin and their links to local language.
The programme aimed to celebrate the rich culture and heritage that exists within the Borough with participants having the chance to explore Ordnance survey memoirs and collections from Council’s GIS Team.
The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Brenda Chivers said: “This diverse programme has helped local people become more accustomed to their cultural heritage, to appreciate local traditions and learn more about local dialect. I have no doubt it will help enhance good relations across the Causeway Coast and Glens area.”
The last workshop will take place in the Richard Branson Centre in Rathlin Island on Saturday 9th March from 11.30am – 4pm. To register your interest please email goodrelations@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or call 028 7776 0312.