Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is working with Causeway Volunteer Centre and Limavady Volunteer Centre to deliver a series of celebratory events during Volunteers’ Week in June.

The campaign is held every year as an annual celebration of the contribution made through volunteering.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will be hosting a reception in Cloonavin on Monday 6th June from 11am - 1pm. There will be an opportunity to network, have a light lunch, listen to other groups’ experiences of volunteering.

Speaking about how the week will be marked in Causeway Coast and Glens, the Mayor, Councillor Richard Holmes, said:

“Volunteers’ Week provides an ideal opportunity to thank local volunteers who give their time so freely to help others. Volunteers are at the heart of our community so it is fitting that Council recognises and rewards this commitment through these encouraging and motivational events.

“As part of this, I’m looking forward to hosting a special reception in Cloonavin during the week, which will give volunteers an opportunity to get together and reflect on their achievements.”

The series of events also includes:

  • ‘Walking for Wellness’ with Causeway Volunteer Centre. Join the group on Wednesday 1st June at 7pm at Bushmills Heritage Railway Walk. Come along and walk with fellow volunteers along this scenic route, followed by refreshments at Bushmills Community Centre.
  • Learn a new skill and have a chat on Tuesday 7th June at 11am with Cloughmills Community Action Team. *Note, spaces are limited. Sign up at Causeway Volunteer Centre or email:
  • ‘Walking for Welness’ with Limavady Volunteer Centre at Roe Valley Country Park on Saturday 28th May at 12 noon followed by refreshments and an awards ceremony at LCDI at 1pm. BBQ will be weather dependent. Groups are encouraged to send their numbers through to by Monday 23rd May at 3pm.

Mary McNickle, Causeway Volunteer Centre Manager said: “We are very much looking forward to marking Volunteers Week with these wellbeing initiatives. Please come along and join us as we get together to recognise the contribution of our volunteers who do so much to help others.”

Ashleen Schenning, Limavady Volunteer Manager added: “We thought groups might like to use this as an opportunity for a fundraising event or just come along to enjoy the occasion as we celebrate our volunteers together.

“It is important that we mark Volunteers Week because across Causeway Coast and Glens we are so fortunate to have so many hardworking organisations and individuals who make such a positive contribution in their local communities.”

To register for attendance at the Mayor’s reception on Monday 6th June, please email: