Council was awarded a grant of €167,747 to undertake a technical feasibility study as part of the Portrush Regeneration Strategy.
Portrush is one of 23 projects within the SailWest programme funded through Interreg Iva. The lead partner in the programme is Donegal County Council.
RPS Consulting Engineers were awarded the study contract which included developing technically feasible options to appropriately develop the harbour. The study in now complete having undertaken a thorough assessment of the harbour including: detailed computer simulation modelling, bathymetric studies, geophysical studies, boreholes and a comprehensive harbour condition survey.
The next immediate stages which must be completed in achieving the appropriate development of the harbour area are:
Environmental impact assessment
Landside masterplanning
Economic appraisal
Technical Study at the harbour underway
Portrush Harbour Admiralty Chart
Lat 55 13’ N; Long 6 40’ W.
Admiralty Chart: 2494
Admiralty Pilot: 40
Time Zone: GMT
UNCTAD Locode: GBLDY-0014
Portrush Harbour, Harbour Office, Portrush, BT56 8DF, Co Antrim Tel: +44 28 7082 2307
Harbour Master:
Leading marks bearing 028 degrees, fixed blue at night, two orange triangular shapes by day.Vessels should not get S of leading marks as water shallows quickly, as you get close to the beach.
At MLWS, sand bar just outside of entrance.
Max depth of 3 m
0.5 mile W of North Pier. Not suitable in strong W or NW winds. Note: When anchoringit is advised to check Admiralty chart for location of undersea cable west of the harbour
Radio frequency:
VHF Channel 12
W or NW winds above force five can cause breaking seas across the harbour entrance
range of tide (springs) 2 m
Largest vessel:
48.8 m loa, 3.05 m max d
Waste reception facilities:
Skip on quayside. Waste oil tank of 800 litres cap
Nearest available tugs from Londonderry or Belfast
Medical facilities:
Health Centre in town, Coleraine Hospital, 5 miles
Belfast International Airport
Portrush, 0.25 mile