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Business Events

WATCH BACK: Companies House Webinars

WATCH BACK: Companies House Webinars

Start Date: 01/04/2025

Start Time: 09:00

End Date: 01/07/2025

End Time: 17:00


Access recordings of previous Companies House webinars, covering a range of topics to help you manage your company and business

Companies House has recordings of webinar presentations that you can watch whenever suits your schedule. The webinars cover a range of topics including:

  • starting a limited company and your responsibilities to Companies House and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
  • how intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights can affect your business
  • guidance on starting a community interest company (CIC)
  • how to register company mortgages and other charges at Companies House
  • how to restore a company to the register

Webinar recordings

Target Audience: Any company directors or business owners considering changing status

Organising Company: Companies House

Booking Link:

Event Cost: FREE