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Business Events

VAT Registered?  Arrange an exploratory chat about £20K Digital Transformation Flexible Fund

VAT Registered? Arrange an exploratory chat about £20K Digital Transformation Flexible Fund

Start Date: 12/02/2025

Start Time: 09:00

End Date: 28/02/2025

End Time: 17:00


If you are a VAT-registered business in the Causeway coast and Glens, we invite you to have an exploratory chat with our Economic Development Officer Stephen Lowry, to see what a £20K grant from the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund could potentially do to help your business digitally transform.

You don’t need any prior knowledge of the technologies to benefit from this chat. We just ask you to provide your business name, sector and postcode, along with a name and phone number to call you on.

Following this initial chat, you may wish to avail of further support to take these initial ideas further or indeed, submit an expression of interest to DTFF.

If a chat is of interest to you, please email Stephen.

Target Audience: All VAT registered businesses in the Causeway Coast and Glens area

Organising Company: Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council


Venue: Please email to arrange an exploratory chat

Booking Link: