Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Welcomes Ambition North Wales as a Critical Friend

Last week (16 and 17 January 2023) saw Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Growth Deal Programme Management Office welcome colleagues from Ambition North Wales to experience some of what the Causeway Coast has to offer and share expertise from working on their respective Growth Deals.

The two-day visit took in some of our key tourism attractions; Giant’s Causeway, Dunluce Castle and Bushmills Distillery, as well as stops at other potential Growth Deal project locations; Ulster University’s Centre for Drug Discovery and the Enterprise Zone. The visit cumulated in a Critical Friend Review, where ideas and knowledge were exchanged to enhance understanding in how to move Causeway’s Growth Deal forward in the most advantageous manner for the Borough.

Ambition North Wales is a partnership of six Local Authorities in North Wales, two Universities (Bangor and Wrexham) and two Further Education institutions (Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and Coleg Cambria). The partnership signed their Growth Deal worth £240m on 17th December 2020 and work is underway to bring thousands of jobs to the region and to give the North Wales economy a multi-billion pound boost.

For further details on Ambition North Wales Growth Deal: