Planning Committee 23rd September 2020 2pm
Planning Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
4. Schedule of Applications:
4.1 Major LA01/2018/1190/O Former Shackleton Barracks Ballykelly (immediately North of 20 Dukes Lane and 13-22 Hyacinth Avenue and immediately East of Walworth Park) (report attached) (addendum)
4.2 Major LA01/2016/1265/RM Lands opposite 24-44 Woodland Walk and including the former Gorteen House Hotel site, Roemill Road, Limavady (report attached)
4.3 Major LA01/2018/1562/F Former Hospital site to the South and West of St Joseph's High School, Mountsandel Road, Coleraine (report attached) (addendum) (erratum)
4.4 Major LA01/2019/0975/F Carnroe Weir and Navigation Lock, Vow Road, Ballymoney (report attached) (erratum)
4.5 Major LA01/2018/0200/F Lands approx. 6km N E of Limavady which are located immediately to the south of Broad Road (A37) in the Town land of Gortcorbies, Co Derry/ Londonderry. Access is provided directly from the Broad Road where an unoccupied stone building is located. The Western site boundary is located approx. 1.2km east of Keady Hill Quarry and the eastern boundary is located approx. 400m S W of disused quarry on Broad Road which is adjacent to Springfield Forest (report attached)
4.6 Council LA01/2019/0326/F Drumsurn Community Centre, Beech Road, Drumsurn (report attached) (erratum)
4.7 Council LA01/2019/0008/F Magheracross Car Park, Dunluce Road, Portrush (report attached)
4.8 Objection B/2013/0190/RM Site adjacent to 7 Bolea Park, Limavady (report attached) (addendum 2)
4.9 Objection LA01/2019/0830/F Nos. 55 & 57 Causeway Street, Portrush (report attached) (addendum)
4.10 Objection LA01/2020/0033/F 11 Mussenden Road, Downhill, Castlerock (report attached)
4.11 Objection LA01/2019/0741/F 2 Rossair Road, Limavady (report attached)
4.12 Objection LA01/2015/0919/F 50m South of 49 Knock Road, Ballymoney (report attached)
4.13 Referral LA01/2019/0182/F 24m NE of 50/51 Kerr Street, Portrush (report attached)
4.14 Referral LA01/2018/1286/O Land Approx. 260m North West of 923 Glenshane Road, Dungiven (report attached)
4.15 Referral LA01/2020/0066/F 160 Carrowclare Road, Limavady (report attached)
4.16 Referral LA01/2018/0903/F The Stores, Woodvale Park, Bushmills (report attached)
4.17 Referral LA01/2019/0300/F 38 Dhu Varren, Portrush (report attached) (addendum attached issued 14 October 2020)
4.18 Referral LA01/2019/1012/O Approximately 170m NE of 74 Kilraughts Road, Ballymoney (report attached) (erratum)
4.19 Referral LA01/2019/0576/O Lands between 47-49 Sheskin Road, Gortgare, Greysteel (report attached)
4.20 Referral LA01/2019/1103/F 1 Redlands Crescent, Coleraine (report attached)
5. Development Management:
5.1 Update on Development Management and Enforcement Statistics 01/04/20 – 31/07/20 (report attached)
5.2 Article 4 Directive at WHS (report attached)
6. Development Plan:
6.1 LDP Update (Verbal update)
7. Correspondence
7.1 Chief Planner's Update 6 (attached)
8. Planning Department Budget Period 1-4 Update (report attached)
9. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))