Draft Disability Action Plan 2024 - 2028


This Disability Action Plan is a statement of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s commitment to, and proposals for, fulfilling its statutory obligations in compliance with Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended by the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order 2006).

This Act places duties on public authorities, when carrying out their functions to have regard to the need:
• to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people; and
• to encourage participation by disabled people in public life.

The Plan is also important because it outlines how disability issues can be more effectively mainstreamed within the Council, thus ensuring that they are central to the whole range of policy decision-making within the Council.

Signed by:
Councillor Ciaran McQuillan, Mayor
David Jackson, Chief Executive


1. Introduction.
2. Purpose of the Disability Action Plan.
3. The Council – its Role and Functions.
4. Commitment to the Effective Implementation of the Disability Action Plan.
5. Internal Arrangements.
6. Annual Report.
7. Action Measures.
8. Publication of Action Plan.

This Disability Action Plan can be obtained from the Council as a paper copy or it can be downloaded from the Council’s website. It can also be obtained from the Council in alternative formats, including in large print, in Braille, and on audio cassette. If you would like a copy in an alternative format, please contact:

Elizabeth Beattie
Head of Policy and Community Planning
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Limavady Office
7 Connell Street

Phone Number: 028 7034 7034

Email: Elizabeth.Beattie@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

1. Introduction

1.1 Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended by the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order 2006) requires the Council, in carrying out its functions, to have due regard to the need:

  • to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people; and
  • to encourage participation by disabled people in public life.

1.2 Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is committed to the fulfilment of its disability duties in all parts of its organisation and has set out how it intends to do this in this Disability Action Plan (the Plan).

1.3 The Council will undertake a planned programme of communication and training on the disability duties for all staff and elected members.

2. Purpose of the Disability Action Plan

2.1 This Plan sets out how the Council proposes to fulfil the disability duties in relation to its functions.

3. The Council – Its Role and Functions

3.1 The roles and functions of Local Government in Northern Ireland are set out in the Local Government Act (NI) 1972, the Local Government Act (NI) 2014 and other Miscellaneous Acts and Regulations. Local Government responsibilities fall into three main areas:

  • Direct Service Provision – Councils provide a range of local services.
  • Representation – Council nominees sit as representatives on various statutory bodies.
  • Civic Leadership – Councils reflect the views of their community in relation to the planning and delivery of certain regional services.

3.2 The Council performs five principal roles within its local area and district:

  1. The direct provision of a number of services and facilities,
  2. The promotion of the arts, tourism, community and economic development,
  3. The regulation and licensing of certain activities relating to environmental health, consumer protection and public safety,
  4. A representative role on a number of bodies and Boards including Education and Health,
  5. A consultative role in relation to functions conducted by other Government bodies and agencies on issues such as planning, water, roads and housing.

3.3 In the performance of the above roles the Council carries out functions in the following areas (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • the provision and maintenance of facilities for recreational, social and cultural activities including leisure centres, community centres, parks, open spaces, sports and playgrounds and places of entertainment
  • street cleansing
  • waste collection and disposal
  • the provision of burial grounds
  • the provision of grant aid to support the Arts, community development, good relations and the promotion of tourism and economic development
  • the administration and regulation of certain matters relating to the environment, public health and public safety including building control, food safety, statutory nuisance, dangerous buildings, air pollution, noise pollution, dog control, consumer protection and health and safety
  • the licensing and regulation of street trading, places of entertainment, amusement centres, cinemas and petroleum stations
  • the making of bye-laws and regulation of same
  • Planning development control and enforcement
  • Off Street Car Parks

3.4 The Council also leads on a community planning process. This will be done in partnership with other public service providers to collectively address local problems.

4. The Council’s Commitment to the Effective Implementation of the Disability Action Plan

4.1 The Council is committed to the effective implementation of all aspects of the Disability Action Plan in all parts of its organisation. Overall responsibility for determining how this will be achieved lies with the Elected Members. Day to day responsibility for carrying out the Plan lies with the Chief Executive who will be responsible for the implementation of administrative arrangements to ensure that the disability duties are complied with by the Council in carrying out its functions.

4.2 As part of its corporate planning process, the Council will build objectives and target setting and monitoring relating to the disability duties into corporate and business plans. These will be reflected at all levels of strategic planning within the Council including individual staff objectives and annual plans. Progress on meeting objectives, including those relating to the disability duties will be monitored and reported upon at the most senior level within the organisation on a quarterly basis. Individual performance on these issues will be monitored and reviewed through performance review arrangements.

4.3 A formal report of progress on meeting the objectives relating to the disability duties will be included in the Council’s annual report to the Equality Commission on the implementation of the Council’s equality scheme.

5. Internal Arrangements

5.1 The Council consists of 40 elected representatives, elected for a four-year period.

5.2 The Chief Executive oversees the work of the various departments of Council through the Senior Management Team, which together with the Councillors create the corporate body of the Council.

5.3 The Chief Executive is responsible for strategic direction and advice to the Council, for the day-to-day management of services and for the longer-term planning and allocation of resources.

6. Annual Report

6.1 The Council will prepare an annual report on the implementation of its Plan for submission to the Equality Commission. This annual report will be included as part of the Council’s annual report to the Equality Commission on the implementation of our equality scheme.

6.2 A copy of the annual report on the Disability Action Plan will be made available on the Council’s website and in alternative formats on request.

7. Action Measures

7.1 The following are the Disability Plan Action Measures which the Council intends to take to implement the disability duties during 2024 to 2028:

Disability Plan Action Measures 2024 – 2028

Cohesive Leadership

Action Measure: Develop a suite of education and training for staff and elected members on disability and inclusion.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Increased capacity and understanding to support disability inclusion in service provision and development.
Performance Indicators:
No of staff and elected members receiving training.
A minimum of 4 education articles in the staff news each year.
Lead Officers: Head of OD/HR. Democratic and Central Services Manager. Head of Policy and Community Planning.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Action Measure: Reinvigorate the role of Diversity Ambassador within Council.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Better promotion of equality for disabled people.
Performance Indicators:
6 tweets/X or Facebook likes of Council posts.
4 articles or updates from the Diversity Ambassador.
Lead Officer: Head of Policy and Community Planning.
Timescale: 2024.

Action Measure: Support persons with a disability to attend and fully engage in Council events and programmes.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Provision of Inclusive toilets and activities at Council events.
Performance Indicator: % of inclusive events.
Lead Officer: All departments/ service areas.
Timescale: ​2024-2028.

Action Measure: Reintroduction of ‘Just a Minute’ (JAM) awareness training to Council staff.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Increased support and understanding that some individuals need a little more time to conduct their business with Council officers
Performance Indicator: % of Front-line staff trained.
Lead Officer: Head of OD/HR and all HOS.
Timescale: 2024-2025.

Action Measure: Undertake a corporate consultation process to identify barriers to service inclusion across all service areas.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Barriers identified to support future service planning which remove or mitigate same.
Performance Indicator: Identification of barriers.
Lead Officer: Corporate Performance.
Timescale: 2024-2025.

Action Measure: Transfer the Corporate website to a more stable platform to support increased accessibility.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Compliance with Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications (No 2) Accessibility regulations 2018.
Performance Indicator: Enhanced accessibility and ease of use for residents and visitors.
Lead Officer: Head of ICT.
Timescale: 2024.

Action Measure: Provide officer training to make the recruitment process more inclusive for people with disabilities.
Expected Outcome/Impact: A more welcoming and inclusive environment for job seekers with disabilities to progress through the recruitment process.
Performance Indicators:
Enhanced understanding.
Number of staff trained.
Lead Officer: Head of OD/HR.
Timescale: 2024-2027.

Action Measure: Hate crime campaign for school children, and school representatives.
Expected Outcome/Impact: School age children within our borough understand about hate crime and how to reach out for support.
Performance Indicator: Enhanced knowledge of hate crime, increased support for school age children and reduced tolerance for hate crime acts.
Lead Officer: PCSP Manager, Good Relations Manager.
Timescale: 2024.

Action Measure: Review accessible parking provision in Council owned car parks.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Baseline of information for future planning.
Performance Indicator: Review completed.
Lead Officer: Head of Infrastructure.
Timescale: 2024-2027.

Action Measure: Review accessibility at Household recycling Centres.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Baseline of information for future planning.
Performance Indicator: Review completed.
Lead Officer: Head of Operations.
Timescale: 2024.

Action Measure: Review accessibility of Councils Public Convenience portfolio.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Baseline of information for future planning.
Performance Indicator: Review and analysis completed.
Lead Officer: Head of Operations.
Timescale: 2024.

Action Measure: Continue to progress Every Customer Counts initiative.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Improved support for disabled people to access services.
Performance Indicator: % of Audits and Action Plans completed.
Lead Officer: Head of Policy.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Improvement and Innovation

Action Measure: Improve accessibility for individuals with a disability to access information about all Council Services.
Expected Outcome/Impacts:
Assess opportunities to present alternative formats in advance.
Provision of ALT Text in Council Communications.
Increased number of communication documents in Easy Read.
To promote positive attitudes towards disabled people through acknowledging the contribution of people with a disability.
Performance Indicators:
Number of alternative formats identified and provided.
80% of Council social media and web communications to have ALT Text provision where necessary.
Number of staff educated in ALT text provision.
Increase Easy Read communication documents by 4 each year.
Introduce Makaton flash cards at leisure facilities.
Continued staff news articles with Makaton signs and symbols.
At least two positive disability related articles annually on Council website, press releases, etc.
Lead Officer: Head of Policy and Community Planning, Director of Corporate Services, PR Manager, ICT and All Council social media site managers/officers, and Head of Sport and Well-being.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Action Measure: Improve accessibility for individuals with a disability to participate in physical activity and improve well-being.
Expected Outcome/Impact:
Individuals with a disability can access specialist equipment to facilitate exercise.
Establish a programme of targeted actions to encourage participation among disabled people.
Performance Indicators:
Number of users renting inclusive cycles.
Number of participants at the Autism Friendly exercise sessions per year.
Number of accessible programmes provided per year.
Lead Officer: Head of Sport & Well-being.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Action Measure: Improve accessibility at Tier 1 Leisure facilities.
Expected Outcome/Impact:
Individuals can access suitable sport facilities.
Develop inclusive initiatives and programmes with local disability groups.
Introduce guides and maps to support ease of navigation.
Performance Indicator:
Achieve autism Impact award at 3 Main Leisure Centres (Teir 1).
Number of accessible programmes provided per year.
Develop a parent questionnaire for Neuro Diverse Individuals under 18 years.
Pre-visit video and guide available.
Number of Leisure centres with improved signage.
Lead Officer: Head of Sport & Well-being.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Action Measure: Improve accessibility to changing places provision within the borough.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Increase the number of changing places toilets in the borough by 2.
Performance Indicator: 2 new facilities opened.
Lead Officer: Heads of Sport and Well-being; Estates, and Operations and Infrastructure.
Timescale: 2024-2027

Action Measures:
Improve disability awareness of staff via e-briefings, newsletters, staff meetings, emails, intranet and internet.
Improve disability awareness of staff via training.
Expected Outcome/Impacts:
Staff will be engaged, and awareness will be raised.
Continue to deliver a suite of equality and diversity related training for all staff (including Disability Awareness Training).
Performance Indicator:
% of internal communication documents which feature disability related information.
% of staff who have received equality and diversity awareness training.
Lead Officer: Head of Policy.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Action Measure: Introduce an accessible Camping Pod and adjacent picnic area at Cushendall Holiday Park.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Provide more inclusive holiday options within the Council portfolio.
Performance Indicator: 1 fully operational camping pod with adjacent picnic area available.
Lead Officer: Head of Tourism and Recreation.
Timescale: 2024-2025.

Action Measure: Deliver a programme of introducing communication boards in play parks.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Pilot communication boards in play parks and review their impact.
Performance Indicator: Number of play parks with communication boards.
Lead Officer: Head of Sport and Wellbeing and Head of Estates.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Healthy and Engaged Communities

Action Measure: Improve accessibility for sign language users to access services at all Tier 1 Leisure Centres.
Expected Outcome/Impact: People with disabilities can choose the way they receive information about Council Services.
Performance Indicator: Sign Language Video Remote Interpreting Service available at each Tier 1 Leisure Facility (3 in total).
Lead Officer: Head of Sport & Well-being.
Timescale: 2028.

Action Measure: Continue to deliver targeted outreach to encourage and support people with disabilities to consider enterprise and start a business.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Disabled people who are considering starting a business are supported.
Performance Indicator:
Meet with representative groups to develop the programme to meet the needs of individuals.
% of participants with disabilities on the programme.
Run specific programmes through the Labour Market Partnership.
Lead Officer: LMP Manager, Head of Prosperity and Place.
Timescale: 2024-2028.

Action Measure: Encourage and support inclusivity via relevant PR Campaigns.
Expected Outcome/Impacts:
Promotion of positive attitudes towards disabled people
Printed documents and brand campaigns to feature positive images of disabled people.
Performance Indicator:
% of documents/ campaigns which feature positive images of disabled people.
Positive promotion of PAN-Disability within our Borough.
Lead Officer: PR, Head of Sport and Wellbeing.
Timescale: On-going.

Climate Change and our Environment

Action Measure: Ensuring appropriate risk assessments are conducted for individual needs.
Expected Outcome/Impacts:
Improved work environment and participation in public life by Councillors and staff with a disability.
Develop a risk assessment training programme to support individuals with disabilities.
Performance Indicators:
Monitor number of risk assessments conducted which relate to disability issues.
The number of staff trained.
Lead Officer: All Managers across the organisation. Head of Performance.
Timescale: On-going process.

Action Measure: Reduced parking ticket litter.
Expected Outcome/Impact: This will support everyone and their future environment.
Performance Indicator: Cashless transactions to be increased via marketing to 30% of all carparking transactions.
Lead Officer: Head of Infrastructure.
Timescale: On-going process.

Action Measure: Complete LED lighting replacement within identified Car parks.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Improve feelings of safety and update lighting in carparks.
Performance Indicator: Number of carparks improved.
Lead Officer: Head of Infrastructure.
Timescale: 2024-2027.

Action Measure: Work towards Net Zero energy.
Expected Outcome/Impact: Meet NI 2050 Net Zero targets.
Performance Indicator: Develop a range of energy reducing programmes to reduce consumption in Council and offset carbon discharge.
Lead Officer: All Managers across the organisation.
Timescale: On-going process.

8. How the Disability Action Plan Will Be Published

8.1 Following submission to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, this Plan will be available by contacting:

Elizabeth Beattie
Head of Policy and Community Planning
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Limavady Office
7 Connell Street

Phone Number: 028 7034 7034

Email: Elizabeth.Beattie@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

8.2 The Disability Duties and Action Plan can be accessed on the Council’s website at www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

8.3 The Council will, through our ongoing work with people with disabilities and people with learning disabilities, find appropriate ways of communicating the Plan. The Plan will be produced in clear print and plain language; will be available in alternative formats on request, including large print, Braille and audio alternative format.

8.4 The Plan will be highlighted through press releases, mail shots, meeting directly with disability organisations, representative groups and disabled people.

8.5 In accordance with the Council’s Equality Scheme consideration will also be given to requests to produce the Plan or a summary Plan for people who speak a minority language.

8.6 In addition, all employees will receive information on the Disability Action Plan and be provided with a full Plan on request.

The draft Disability Action Plan consultation process closes at 5pm on Tuesday, 4 February 2025, further updates to follow.

Please click below to view the Council's Disability Action Plan for 2020 to 2024.