Section 75 Equality and Good Relations

Consultation on Screening of Policies July to September 2020

Aim/Purpose of Policy New or Revised Policy Date of Screening Recommendation
Car Parking Permit Scheme The Council aims to provide a strong civic leadership role for the promotion of a modern, safe, accessible and integrated transportation system for the borough. The role of parking in contributing to the success of an area recognises the need for a balanced and holistic approach. In conjunction with our Parking Strategy this scheme will ensure that parking supports the local economy by facilitating shopping, tourism and local businesses while at the same time considering the needs of local residents. The Car Parking Permit scheme aims to determine the process whereby the varying needs of locals who live near Townhead Street and East Strand car parks, can be aligned with our Parking Strategy to create a seamless process, which can be effectively monitored and where necessary enforced in a clear and structured way. New DPIA and RNA Screening 07 July 2020 and 24 July 2020 Screened out with mitigation
Re-development of Portrush Recreation Grounds The Aims and Objectives of the project as per the approved OBC are as follows: The following aims have been agreed for investment in Portrush Recreation Centre: • To contribute strategically to the Portrush offer for ratepayers and visitors; • To improve the presentation and functionality of the Ramore Head site to complement existing and planned strategic investment in Portrush’s regeneration and public realm; and • To help distribute visitors and football across Portrush contributing to its functionality as a regional destination and as a service town for its indigenous population. The following objectives have been agreed for investment in Portrush Recreation Centre: • To meet the needs of 30,000 visitors and citizens for access to play and outdoor space annually from 2021; • To support 300 people to try, train or complete in crown green bowling annually from 2021; • To support bowling tournaments at provincial, all-Ireland and national levels which attract a minimum of 500 participants and 1,000 supporters from out of the Borough annually from 2021; • To support bowling tournaments at provincial, all-Ireland and national levels which create 2,000 bed nights; • To support two events annually attracting 20,000 people from outside the Borough; • To reduce the level of Council subvention. Revised Project DPIA Screening 28 July 2020 Screened out with mitigation