S75 Equality And Good Relations Screening Form

General Information: Policy/ Procedure

This is a revised policy and procedure.

Operational Area: Leisure & Development

Title: Equality Screening – NI International Airshow 7th & 8th September 2024

Brief Summary:

NI International Airshow is a two-day festival, incorporating the largest signature air show in Ireland. Situated on the North Antrim Coast, the event ensures that local Blue Flag sandy beaches are showcased. Backdrops for Air displays include: Whiterocks Beach, Dunluce Castle & Giants Causeway, also ensuring tourism assets are promoted. This year sees us utilising a new location between Ballyreagh Road and West Bay, Portrush.

It is organised by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in consultative partnership with Mr. Roger Steele, Air Display Coordinator, with the assistance of many external agencies, including PSNI, NIFRS, NHSST, MCA, NIAS, RNLI, CRS, St. Johns Ambulance, to name but a few.

This is the third time the event has been screened and it is a learning experience for the Council.

What is it trying to achieve? (intended aims and outcomes)

• Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is committed to creating and maintaining a most inclusive environment for visitors attending an event.
• Take all reasonable steps to ensure that facilities and services at events are accessible to all.
• Ensure that all S75 groups attending events do not experience any form of harm, discrimination or degrading treatment.

Who owns and who implements each element of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council via different directorates.

Other policies etc. which have a bearing on this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s full range of policies.

Studies, Publications, Statistics and Guidance:
• Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency – Census 2021

Available Evidence

Evidence to help inform the screening process may take many forms. Public authorities should ensure that their screening decision is informed by relevant data.
What evidence/information (both qualitative and quantitative have you gathered to inform this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance? Specify details for relevant Section 75 categories.

It is proposed that all Section 75 categories will be considered via:
• Quantitative evidence has been sourced via the NI Census in 2021 and the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2021.

Section 75 Category Details of Evidence/Information:

  • The Census statistics in 2021 collated by NISRA statistics detailed the usual resident population of Causeway Coast & Glens Local Government District to be 141,746 accounting for 7.45% of the N.I. total. Statistical information with regards to the Districts makeup and individuals therein was also reviewed.

Religious Beliefs

The 2021 Census outlined:

Religion / religion brought up in:
Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Roman Catholic 40.12% 45.70%
Protestant & Other Christian
(including Christian related) 51.17% 43.48%
Other Religions 0.78% 1.50%
None/Not stated 7.94% 9.32%

Staff breakdown by Religious Belief / Community Background (Figures as at 21 October 2022)
Religious Belief /
Community Background Gender Number of Staff

Roman Catholic Male 119 (19.67%)
Female 126 (20.82%)
Protestant Male 199 (32.89%)
Female 128 (21.16%)
Non-Determined Male 17 (2.81%)
Female 16 (2.65%)
Total 605

In 2021 the last census in Northern Ireland identified the main current religions were: Catholic (42.3%); Presbyterian (16.6%); Church of Ireland (11.6%); Methodist (2.5%); Other Christian denominations (6.9%); Other religions (1.3%). In addition there were individuals who stated they had no religion (17.4%) and the remaining population (1.6%) did not answer this question.

There was a similar picture in Causeway Coast and Glens where the main current religions were: Catholic (37.6%); Presbyterian (23.2%); Church of Ireland (15%); Methodist (0.7%); Other Christian denominations (6.4%); Other religions (0.7%). In addition there were individuals who stated they had no religion (15%) and the remaining population (1.4%) did not answer this question.

By comparing statistics in 2011 and 2021 and religion of upbringing (see tables above) it is clear that residents in our area as in the whole of Northern Ireland are becoming more secular. This mirrors the trend across Northern Ireland as a whole.

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.

Political Opinion

The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (2021) provides the following information on the political parties people in Northern Ireland feel closest to (this information is not available at local government level) :

DUP/Democratic Unionist Party 12
Sinn Féin 13
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) 13
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) 13
Alliance Party 19
Green Party 5
Other Party 4
None of these 11
Other answer 1
Don't know 9

Northern Ireland Life and Times survey (NILT 2019-21 dataset) found respondents from Causeway Coast and Glens felt relationships between Protestants and Catholics had improved over the last 5 years (43%), compared to the NI average (38%). Respondents in our area were also more likely to think relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better in 5 years' time than now (40%) compared to the NI average (32%).

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.

Racial Group

On Census Day 21 March 2021 the resident population was:

Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
White 98.55% 96.55%
Irish Traveller 0.03% 0.14%
Roma 0.01% 0.08%
Indian 0.15% 0.52%
Chinese 0.22% 0.50%
Filipino 0.10% 0.23%
Pakistani 0.03% 0.08%
Arab 0.03% 0.10%
Other Asian 0.10% 0.28%
Black African 0.12% 0.42%
Black Other 0.04% 0.16%
Mixed 0.51% 0.76%
Other ethnicities 0.11% 0.19%

The 2021 Census detailed 98.55% of our population is white, with 1.45% from an ethnic background. The largest minority ethnic groups in Causeway Coast and Glens are the Chinese (0.22%), Indian (0.15%) and Filipino (0.10%). The proportion of ethnic groups from a non-white background has increased in Causeway Coast and Glens over the last 10 years by 0.95% slightly increasing the diversity in our population.

Country of Birth (basic detail)
Table MS-A16: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council
Europe: United Kingdom: Northern Ireland 127,171
Europe: United Kingdom: England 5,991
Europe: United Kingdom: Scotland 1,556
Europe: United Kingdom: Wales 234
Europe: Republic of Ireland 1,931
Europe: Other EU countries 2,733
Europe: Other non-EU countries 149
Africa 384
Middle East and Asia 825
North America, Central America and Caribbean 499
South America 55
Antarctica, Oceania and Other 219

Number of people born outside UK/Ireland in CC&G Borough Council for the years 2011 and 2021
Census 2021 2011 2021
Number of people born outside UK/Ireland 4,100 4,900

Of the total population in Causeway Coast and Glens 3.45% of our residents were born outside the UK/Ireland as demonstrated in the table above this is an increase over the last 10 years of 0.56%.

National identity (person based)
Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council
British only 38%
Irish only 22%
Northern Irish only 23%
British & Irish only <1%
British & Northern Irish only 9%
Irish & Northern Irish only 2%
British, Irish & Northern Irish only 1%
Other national identities 5%

Main Language
Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council
English 98%
Other languages 2%

Although our population is becoming more diverse 97.8% speak English as their main language. The other main languages spoken are Polish, Irish and Portuguese closely followed by Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese and Cantonese.

Main Language (Count)
Census 2021 MS-B12a
All usual residents aged 3 and over CC&G Borough Council
English 134,147 (97.80%)
Polish 1,524 (1.11%)
Lithuanian 49 (0.04%)
Irish 231 (0.17%)
Romanian 79 (0.06%)
Portuguese 39 (0.03%)
Arabic 63 (0.05%)
Bulgarian 66 (0.05%)
Chinese (not otherwise specified) 68 (0.05%)
Slovak 32 (0.02%)
Hungarian 18 (0.01%)
Spanish 50 (0.04%)
Latvian 36 (0.03%)
Russian 29 (0.02%)
Tetun 6 (0.00%)
Malayalam 24 (0.02%)
Tagalog/Filipino 46 (0.03%)
Cantonese 69 (0.05%)
Other languages 584 (0.43%)
All Residents 137,160

It is important to note that while other family members may be able to support translation, 1.30% or 750 households do not speak English as their main language and therefore would require translation services.

Household language (Count)
Census 2021 MS-B11a CC&G Borough Council
All people aged 16+ years have English as a main language 56,063 (97.37%)
At least one but not all people aged 16+ years have
English as a main language 600 (1.04%)
No people aged 16+ years have English as a main language,
but at least one person aged 3-15 years has English as a
main language 163 (0.28%)
No people have English as a main language 750 (1.30%)

Knowledge of Irish
Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council
No ability in Irish 90%
Some ability in Irish 10%

Knowledge of Ulster-Scots
Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council
No ability in Ulster-Scots 81%
Some ability in Ulster-Scots 19%

Staff breakdown by Racial Group / Ethnic Origin (Figures as at 21 October 2022)
Racial Group / Ethnic Origin Number of Staff
Mixed Ethnic Group 1 (0.16%)
Other 2 (0.33%)
White / White European 546 (90.25%)
Unknown 56 (9.26%)
Total 605

All information pertaining to events is advertised on the Council website which can be translated into all languages included in the main languages table above.

If visiting the Council Headquarters a signed video can be availed of.

If there is a language barrier whilst on site at an event, staff can use a translate app such as Live Transcribe or Google Translate.

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group..


Age: (NISRA Census 2021 – Table MS-A02)

CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
0-4 years 7,973 (5.62%) 113,820 (5.98%)
5-9 years 8,878 (6.26%) 124,475 (6.54%)
10-14 years 9,113 (6.43%) 126,918 (6.67%)
15-19 years 8,326 (5.87%) 113,203 (5.95%)
20-24 years 7,873 (5.55%) 111,386 (5.85%)
25-29 years 7,713 (5.44%) 116,409 (6.12%)
30-34 years 8,460 (5.97%) 126,050 (6.62%)
35-39 years 8,528 (6.02%) 127,313 (6.69%)
40-44 years 8,513 (6.01%) 122,163 (6.42%)
45-49 years 9,322 (6.58%) 121,670 (6.39%)
50-54 years 10,412 (7.35%) 130,967 (6.88%)
55-59 years 10,150 (7.16%) 129,276 (6.79%)
60-64 years 9,171 (6.47%) 113,049 (5.94%)
65-69 years 7,769 (5.48%) 93,464 (4.91%)
70-74 years 6,990 (4.93%) 83,467 (4.39%)
75-79 years 5,659 (3.99%) 66,377 (3.49%)
80-84 years 3,718 (2.62%) 43,776 (2.30%)
85-89 years 2,126 (1.50%) 25,879 (1.36%)
90+ years 1,051 (0.74%) 13,512 (0.71%)
TOTAL Population 141,745 1,903,174

Statistics in the table above highlight an ageing population.

Age Comparison for CC&G Borough Council for the years 2011 and 2021

Census 2021
Age Range (years) 2011 2021
0-14 19% 18%
15-39 33% 29%
40-64 33% 34%
65+ 15% 19%

It can be seen from the 2 tables above, that in the 44 and under groupings our borough statistics have decreased and are lower than the Northern Ireland average. Whereas the number of individuals aged 45 years and upwards has increased and our percentages in these groupings are higher than the Northern Ireland Average.

This is a trend which is forecast to continue as identified in NISRA’s 2020-based Interim Population Projections for Northern Ireland, which states that "by mid-2027, the number of people aged 65 and over is projected to overtake the number of children" .

Staff breakdown by Age (Figures as at 21 October 2022)

Age Group Number of staff
22-29 21 (3.47%)
30-34 28 (4.63%)
35-39 64 (10.58%)
40-44 71 (11.74%)
45-49 99 (16.36%)
50-54 115 (19.01%)
55-59 92 (15.21%)
60-64 88 (14.54%)
65-120 27 (4.46%)
Total 605

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.

Marital Status

Marital status by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2021):

Marital and civil partnership status MS-A30: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Single (never married or never registered a civil partnership) 40,720 (35.67%) 576,708 (38.07%)
Married 54,576 (47.81%) 690,509 (45.59%)
In a civil partnership 155 (0.14%) 2,742 (0.18%)
Separated (but still legally married or still legally
in a civil partnership) 3,795 (3.32%) 57,272 (3.78%)
Divorced or formerly in a civil partnership which is
now legally dissolved 7,258 (6.36%) 91,128 (6.02%)
Widowed or surviving partner from a civil partnership 7,655 (6.71%) 96,384 (6.36%)
All usual residents aged 16 and over 114,159 1,514,743

Causeway Coast and Glens follows a similar pattern to that of Northern Ireland in that the highest percentage of residents are married (47.81% compared with the NI average of 45.59%). The patterns are all higher than the NI average with the exception of Individuals in a civil partnership lens at 0.14% is slightly lower than the NI average of 0.18%.

Same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland has been legal since 13 January 2020. (Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019)

Staff breakdown by Marital Status (Figures as at 21 October 2022)

Marital Status Number of staff
Unknown 60 (9.92%)
Married \ Civil Partnership 336 (55.54%)
Divorced 12 (1.98%)
Other 19 (3.14%)
Separated 12 (1.98%)
Single 164 (27.11%)
Widowed 2 (0.33%)
Total 605

*2011 Married – This includes people who were remarried; those who are separated but still legally married; and those in a same-sex civil partnership.
**2011 Widowed includes surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership.

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.

Sexual Orientation

The 2021 census for the first time included a question on sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation
MS-C01: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Straight or heterosexual 104,205 (91.28%) 1,363,859 (90.04%)
Gay or lesbian 906 (0.79%) 17,713 (1.17%)
Bisexual 596 (0.52%) 11,306 (0.75%)
Other sexual orientation 135 (0.12%) 2,597 (0.17%)
Prefer not to say 4,502 (3.94%) 69,307 (4.58%)
Not stated 3,816 (3.34%) 49,961 (3.30%)
All usual residents aged 16 and over 114,160 1,514,743

Sexual orientation by broad age bands
MS-C02: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
All usual residents aged 16 and over 114,158 1,514,745
Straight or heterosexual 104,203 (91.28%) 1,363,859 (90.04%)
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, other
sexual orientation 1,637 (1.43%) 31,617 (2.09%)
Prefer not to say/ Not stated 8,318 (7.29%) 119,269 (7.87%)
Usual residents aged 16-24 years 14,576 201,369
Straight or heterosexual 13,099 (89.87%) 175,346 (87.08%)
Gay, lesbian, bisexual,
other sexual orientation 517 (3.55%) 9,283 (4.61%)
Prefer not to say/ Not stated 960 (6.59%) 16,740 (8.31%)
Usual residents aged 25-39 years 24,700 369,770
Straight or heterosexual 22,732 (92.03%) 330,734 (89.44%)
Gay, lesbian, bisexual,
other sexual orientation 649 (2.63%) 13,991 (3.78%)
Prefer not to say/ Not stated 1,319 (5.34%) 25,045 (6.77%)
Usual residents aged 40-64 years 47,568 617,126
Straight or heterosexual 44,419 (93.38%) 571,502 (92.61%)
Gay, lesbian, bisexual,
other sexual orientation 419 (0.88%) 7,459 (1.21%)
Prefer not to say/ Not stated 2,730 (5.74%) 38,165 (6.18%)
Usual residents aged 65+ years 27,314 326,480
Straight or heterosexual 23,953 (87.69%) 286,277 (87.69%)
Gay, lesbian, bisexual,
other sexual orientation 52 (0.19%) 884 (0.27%)
Prefer not to say/ Not stated 3,309 (12.11%) 39,319 (12.04%)

The council currently has no data specific to its workforce.

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.

Men and Women Generally Gender:

(Census 2021 – Table MS-A07)
CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
Male 69,848 (49.28%) 936,132 (49.19%)
Female 71,898 (50.72%) 967,043 (50.81%)

Staff breakdown by Gender (Figures as at 21 October 2022)
Gender Number of staff
Male 335 (55.38%)
Female 270 (44.62%)
Total 605

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.


In Causeway Coast and Glens 28% of households include dependent children, compared with the NI average of 29.21%.

Number of dependent children - households
MS-A24: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
All households 57,577 768,809
No children in household 31,968 (55.52%) 423,956 (55.14%)
No dependent children in household/
All children in household non-dependent 9,490 (16.48%) 120,314 (15.65%)
One dependent child:
aged 0-4 1,816 (3.15%) 27,233 (3.54%)
aged 5-11 1,470 (2.55%) 21,123 (2.75%)
aged 12-18 2,919 (5.07%) 39,203 (5.10%)
Two dependent children:
youngest aged 0-4 2,293 (3.98%) 32,598 (4.24%)
youngest aged 5-11 2,635 (4.58%) 36,534 (4.75%)
youngest aged 12-18 1,398 (2.43%) 18,532 (2.41%)
Three or more dependent children:
youngest aged 0-4 1,773 (3.08%) 24,120 (3.14%)
youngest aged 5-11 1,562 (2.71%) 21,677 (2.82%)
youngest aged 12-18 253 (0.44%) 3,519 (0.46%)

In Causeway Coast and Glens 9.61% of households comprise of a lone parent and a dependent child or children, compared with the NI average of 10.58%.

Household composition - usual residents
MS-A25: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
All usual residents in households 139,799 1,876,838
One person household: Aged 66 and over 7,426 (5.31%) 91,673 (4.88%)
One person household: Other 9,822 (7.03%) 142,975 (7.62%)
Single family household: All aged 66 and over 10,442 (7.47%) 121,824 (6.49%)
Single family household,
Married or civil partnership couple:
No children 12,076 (8.64%) 142,437 (7.59%)
One dependent child 10,494 (7.51%) 147,784 (7.87%)
Two or more dependent children 29,298 (20.96%) 399,722 (21.30%)
All children non-dependent 17,704 (12.66%) 215,685 (11.49%)
Single family household, Cohabiting couple family:
No children 3,724 (2.66%) 60,486 (3.22%)
One dependent child 2,614 (1.87%) 34,334 (1.83%)
Two or more dependent children 4,378 (3.13%) 50,630 (2.70%)
All children non-dependent 910 (0.65%) 10,869 (0.58%)
Single family household, Lone parent family (female):
One dependent child 4,356 (3.12%) 63,191 (3.37%)
Two or more dependent children 8,309 (5.94%) 123,438 (6.58%)
All children non-dependent 5,668 (4.05%) 78,411 (4.18%)
Single family household, Lone parent family (male):
One dependent child 461 (0.33%) 6,520 (0.35%)
Two or more dependent children 304 (0.22%) 5,186 (0.28%)
All children non-dependent 1,667 (1.19%) 22,558 (1.20%)
Single family household: Other family composition 1,503 (1.08%) 21,409 (1.14%)
Other household types:
One dependent child 750 (0.54%) 10,734 (0.57%)
Two or more dependent children 901 (0.64%) 15,829 (0.84%)
All in full-time education 663 (0.47%) 7,191 (0.38%)
All aged 66 and over 144 (0.10%) 1,712 (0.09%)
Other family composition 6,185 (4.42%) 102,240 (5.45%)

It is clear that our area has an aging population with fewer births, however the number of unpaid carers in our area is similar to the Northern Ireland average.

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.

Provision of unpaid care by broad age bands
MS-D17: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland

All usual residents aged 5 and over 133,773 1,789,348
Provides no unpaid care 117,786 (88.05%) 1,567,135 (87.58%)
Provides 1-19 hours unpaid care per week 7,073 (5.29%) 100,777 (5.63%)
Provides 20-34 hours unpaid care per week 1,695 (1.27%) 24,636 (1.38%)
Provides 35-49 hours unpaid care per week 2,055 (1.54%) 28,109 (1.57%)
Provides 50+ hours unpaid care per week 5,164 (3.86%) 68,691 (3.84%)

All usual residents aged 5-14 years 17,991 251,394
Provides no unpaid care 17,793 (98.90%) 248,806 (98.97%)
Provides 1-19 hours unpaid care per week 153 (0.85%) 1,932 (0.77%)
Provides 20-34 hours unpaid care per week 17 (0.09%) 228 (0.09%)
Provides 35-49 hours unpaid care per week 5 (0.03%) 112 (0.04%)
Provides 50+ hours unpaid care per week 23 (0.13%) 316 (0.13%)

All usual residents aged 15-39 years 40,900 594,357
Provides no unpaid care 37,210 (90.98%) 538,184 (90.55%)
Provides 1-19 hours unpaid care per week 1,685 (4.12%) 25,983 (4.37%)
Provides 20-34 hours unpaid care per week 446 (1.09%) 6,909 (1.16%)
Provides 35-49 hours unpaid care per week 724 (1.77%) 10,462 (1.76%)
Provides 50+ hours unpaid care per week 835 (2.04%) 12,819 (2.16%)

All usual residents aged 40-64 years 47,568 617,125
Provides no unpaid care 38,488 (80.91%) 492,536 (79.81%)
Provides 1-19 hours unpaid care per week 4,376 (9.20%) 61,618 (9.98%)
Provides 20-34 hours unpaid care per week 976 (2.05%) 13,797 (2.24%)
Provides 35-49 hours unpaid care per week 1,103 (2.32%) 14,541 (2.36%)
Provides 50+ hours unpaid care per week 2,625 (5.52%) 34,633 (5.61%)

All usual residents aged 65+ years 27,314 326,472
Provides no unpaid care 24,295 (88.95%) 287,609 (88.10%)
Provides 1-19 hours unpaid care per week 859 (3.14%) 11,244 (3.44%)
Provides 20-34 hours unpaid care per week 256 (0.94%) 3,702 (1.13%)
Provides 35-49 hours unpaid care per week 223 (0.82%) 2,994 (0.92%)
Provides 50+ hours unpaid care per week 1,681 (6.15%) 20,923 (6.41%)

Staff Family Status (Figures as at 21 October 2022)

Family Status Number of staff
Blank 298 (49.26%)
Adults(s) 11 (1.82%)
Child/Children 157 (25.95%)
None 138 (22.81%)
Other 1 (0.16%)
Total 605

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.


The Census 2021 showed that 35.95% of our residents has a long-term health condition or illness which limits their daily activities or the work they can do, which is slightly higher than the NI average of 34.67%.

Number of long-term health conditions MS-D04: Census 2021 CC&G Borough Council Northern Ireland
All usual residents 141,746 1,903,176
Does not have a long-term health condition 90,793 (64.05%) 1,243,371 (65.33%)
1 long-term health condition 26,690 (18.83%) 344,687 (18.11%)
2 long-term health conditions 12,121 (8.55%) 151,512 (7.96%)
3 long-term health conditions 6,220 (4.39%) 81,075 (4.26%)
4 long-term health conditions 3,440 (2.43%) 46,166 (2.43%)
5 or more long-term health conditions 2,482 (1.75%) 36,365 (1.91%)

In our borough long-term pain or discomfort affects the most individuals, followed by mobility or dexterity that limits physical activities.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Long-term Condition
Deafness or partial hearing loss 8,914 (6.29%)
Blindness or partial sight 2,560 (1.81%)
Mobility or dexterity that requires the use of a wheelchair 2,145 (1.51%)
Mobility or dexterity that limits physical activities 15,951 (11.25%)
Intellectual or learning disability 1,340 (0.95%)
Intellectual or learning difficulty 4,334 (3.06%)
Autism or Asperger syndrome 2,282 (1.61%)
An emotional, psychological or mental health condition 11,787 (8.32%)
Frequent periods of confusion or memory loss 2,681 (1.89%)
Long term pain or discomfort 17,396 (12.27%)
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 14,525 (10.25%)
Other condition 13,214 (9.32%)
Source: NISRA, Census 2021, tables MS-D03, MS-D04 through to MS-D16

Staff breakdown by Disability (Figures as at 21 October 2022)
With or Without a Disability Number of staff
No 591 (97.69%)
Yes 14 (2.31%)
Total 605

Any flyers produced use writing no smaller than font size 14 for ease of reading.

Quiet Time for individuals with additional needs take place on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th at 10am – 11am in STEM village, Ballyreagh.

Although the Council have not yet adopted the JAM system, events staff are always prepared to step aside with an individual who needs a bit more time or attention.

There is no indication or evidence to suggest that the event will have a negative impact on this Section 75 Group.

Screening Questions
1. What is the likely impact on equality of opportunity for those affected by this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?
Section 75 Category - Positive impact (it could benefit, Neutra, Negative impact (it could disadvantage)

Women, Men, Transgender men/women, Other: Neutral impact on this section.

Race The categories used in the Race section are those used in the 2011 census. Consideration should be given to the needs of specific communities within the broad categories.

Asian, ​Black, Chinese, Mixed race, Other: Positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.

Disability Long term health impairment could include mental health problems, asthma, heart conditions, chronic fatigue etc.

Positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.

Sexual orientation Heterosexual, lesbian, gay men, bisexual, others

Minor positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.

Age Older People / Younger people and children

Positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.

Political Opinion

Positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.

Religious Belief

Positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.

Martial Status

Positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.


Positive impact on this section. This event is designed to improve the lives of our citizens and visitor experiences which will impact positively on all Section 75 categories.

Screening Questions
2. Are there opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity for people within any of the Section 75 categories?

Gender (Women, Men, Transgender men/women , Other please specify)

No. This event does not negatively impact on Equality of Opportunity for men and women generally.

Race The categories used in the Race section are those used in the 2011 census. Consideration should be given to the needs of specific communities within the broad categories.
(Asian, Black, Chinese, Mixed race, White, Other please specify)

No. This event does not negatively impact on Equality of Opportunity for people of different racial or ethnic group.

Disability Long term health impairment could include mental health problems, asthma, heart conditions, chronic fatigue etc.

Provision of 2 MACU’s - disabled toilets (with hoist and attendant) in attendance the duration of the event. One in Ballyreagh and one in West Bay, the two main event spaces.
Quiet Time for individuals with additional needs take place on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th at 10am – 11am in STEM village, Ballyreagh.
Pre-bookable disabled parking was advertised and is fully booked with a waiting list in case any spaces become available. On the day there is also the normal spaces provided in all town centre carparks.
A fully accessible free park and ride bus runs from Rugby Avenue Playing Fields to Ballywillin Road with a shuttle bus then being offered to the event space.

Sexual orientation Heterosexual, lesbian, gay men, bisexual, others

No. This event does not negatively impact on Equality of Opportunity for heterosexual, lesbian, gay men, bisexual, transgender or others.

Age Older People, Younger people and children

No. All age groups can get involved and enjoy the event. There will be something for everyone.

Political Opinion

No. This event does not negatively impact on Equality of Opportunity for those of differing Political Opinions.

Religious Belief

No. This event does not negatively impact on Equality of Opportunity for those of differing Religious Beliefs.

Marital Status

No. This event does not negatively impact on Equality of Opportunity for any particular Marital Status.


No. This event does not negatively impact on Equality of Opportunity for those with or without Dependents.

Screening Questions
3. To what extent is the policy likely to impact on good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?

Section 75 Category: Religious Belief
Level of impact: Minor Positive impact - neutral venue and neutral programming brings groups within and across communities together.

Section 75 Category: Political Opinion
Level of impact: Minor Positive impact - neutral venue and neutral programming brings groups within and across communities together.

Section 75 Category: Racial Group
Level of impact: Minor Positive impact - neutral venue and neutral programming brings groups within and across communities together.

Screening Questions
4. Are there opportunities to better promote good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?

Religious Belief: Yes. Open to all.

Political Opinion: Yes, business engagement across the community with programming and liaison with Councils of differing political opinions.

Racial Group: Yes, liaison and engagement with the Chamber of Commerce and local groups.

Additional Considerations
Generally speaking people can fall into more than one Section 75 category. Taking this into consideration, are there any potential impacts of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance on people with multiple identities? (For example: disabled minority ethnic people, disabled women, young Protestant men, young lesbians, gay and bisexual people.)

No impact.

Provide details of data on the impact of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance on people with multiple identities. Specify the relevant Section 75 categories concerned.

No impact.

Disability Considerations

Is there an opportunity to better promote positive attitudes towards disabled people by altering this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

Yes. Through the provision of Quiet Times, disabled toilet facilities and parking spaces to encourage participation.

Is there an opportunity to encourage participation by disabled people in public life by altering this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

Yes. Through the provision of Quiet Time for individuals with additional needs, disabled toilet facilities and parking spaces to ensure easier access.

Screening Decision

Likely Impact: Minor

If the decision is to subject the policy to an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact – Major), please provide details of the reasons for this:

If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact = Minor) the Council should consider if the policy should be mitigated or an alternative policy be introduced:

A positive impact is expected.

If the decision is not to conduct an equality impact assessment (i.e. likely impact = None), please provide details of the reasons for this:

When the Council concludes that the likely impact is ‘Minor’ and an equality impact assessment is not to be conducted, the Council may consider mitigation to lessen the severity of any equality impact, or the introduction of an alternative policy to better promote equality of opportunity or good relations.
Can the policy/decision be amended or changed or an alternative policy introduced to better promote equality of opportunity and/or good relations?


If YES, give the reasons to support your decision, together with the proposed changes/amendments or alternative policy:

A positive impact is expected.

Timetabling And Prioritising
If the policy/decision has been ‘screened in’ for equality impact assessment, then please answer the following questions to determine its priority for timetabling the equality impact assessment.
On a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the lowest priority and 3 the highest, assess the policy in terms of its priority for equality impact assessment.

Priority Criterion Rating (1 to 3)
Effect on equality of opportunity and good relations N/A
Social Need N/A
Effect on people’s daily lives N/A
Relevance to the Council’s functions N/A

Please outline proposals for future monitoring of the policy/decision:

This event will be reviewed following the successful delivery of the event.
Seek feedback from visitors attending 2024 event.
Debrief and ascertain lessons learned and ongoing monitoring.

Approval And Authorisation

Screened By: Events Officer, 03/09/24
Approved By: Events Co-ordinator, 03/09/24