Rescinding the introduction of car park charges at car parks in Ballycastle, Rural Needs Assessment

Defining the activity subject to Section 1(1) of the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016

1A. Name of Public Authority.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.

1B. Please provide a short title which describes the activity being undertaken by the Public Authority that is subject to Section 1(1) of the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016.

Rescinding the decision to introduce charges to:

  • Sea Front car park – Ballycastle.
  • Harbour car park – Ballycastle.
  • Ferry Terminal car park – Ballycastle. Which are currently free.

1C. Please indicate which category the activity specified in Section 1B above relates to.

Developing a plan.

1D. Please provide the official title (if any) of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service document or initiative relating to the category indicated in Section 1C above.

Rescinding the decision to introduce car park charges at three car parks in Ballycastle.

1E. Please provide details of the aims and/or objectives of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service.

To achieve adequate mitigation for those impacted in Ballycastle by the introduction of new charges.

1F. What definition of ‘rural’ is the Public Authority using in respect of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service?

Population Settlements of less than 5,000 (Default definition).and other definition

Details of alternative definition of ‘rural’ used: N/A

Rationale for using alternative definition of ‘rural’: N/A.

Reasons why a definition of ‘rural’ is not applicable. N/A

Understanding the impact of the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service

2A. Is the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service likely to impact on people in rural areas?

Yes If the response is NO GO TO Section 2E.

2B. Please explain how the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to impact on people in rural areas.

The plan will impact on individuals from rural and urban areas, i.e., residents of the sea front, businesses, boat owners and Rathlin Island residents and visitors. It will also impact on residents in other rural settlements who will continue to pay for parking in their locality to offset the current free car parking in Ballycastle sea front car parks.

However, the viewpoints of those living in both rural and urban areas across the Borough will be considered as part of the overall consultation process.

2C. If the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to impact on people in rural areas differently from people in urban areas, please explain how it is likely to impact on people in rural areas differently.

People in other rural areas will continue to have to pay for car parking in their locality whilst those dwellers/visitors to Ballycastle sea front car park will receive free parking.

However, the viewpoints of those living in both rural and urban areas across the Borough will be considered as part of the overall consultation process.

2D. Please indicate which of the following rural policy areas the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is likely to primarily impact on.

Rural Businesses, Tourism and Jobs or Employment in Rural Areas

2E. Please explain why the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service is NOT likely to impact on people in rural areas.


Identifying the Social and Economic Needs of Persons in Rural Areas

3A. Has the Public Authority taken steps to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas that are relevant to the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service?

No If the response is NO GO TO Section 3E.

3B. Please indicate which of the following methods or information sources were used by the Public Authority to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas.


3C. Please provide details of the methods and information sources used to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas including relevant dates, names of organisations, titles of publications, website references, details of surveys or consultations undertaken etc.


3D. Please provide details of the social and economic needs of people in rural areas which have been identified by the Public Authority?


If the response to Section 3A was YES GO TO Section 4A.

3E. Please explain why no steps were taken by the Public Authority to identify the social and economic needs of people in rural areas?

Elected members decided to rescind the previous decision to introduce car parking charges in the car parks in Ballycastle. This was an elected members decision, and a public consultation will support both the identification of impacts and social and economic needs as a result of this rescinding motion.

Considering the Social and Economic Needs of Persons in Rural Areas

4A. Please provide details of the issues considered in relation to the social and economic needs of people in rural areas.

Motion to introduce car parking charging – Impacts.

  • If charges had been introduced there would possibly have been an element of displacement into the local residential areas.
  • If charges had been introduced boat owners may have been impacted by the charges.
  • Rathin Island residents who may park vehicles on the main land would now have to pay for car parking.
  • Nearby residents who parked free in the car park would be impacted and now have to pay for car parking.
  • Staff working in local businesses would have faced an economic detriment.
  • Charged car parking at the appropriate tariff promotes turnover of spaces which supports local businesses.

Motion to rescind introducing car parking charging – Impacts.

  • The impacts noted above will be reversed.

Influencing the Policy, Strategy, Plan or Public Service

5A. Has the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or delivery of the Public Service, been influenced by the rural needs identified?

Yes. If the response is NO GO TO Section 5C.

5B. Please explain how the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or delivery of the Public Service, has been influenced by the rural needs identified.

Elected members were lobbied by local residents/businesses/boat owners/Rathlin Island residents regarding their concerns of introducing car parking charges in the car parks at the seafront/harbour in Ballycastle, this resulted in the rescinding motion and the need for a public consultation.

5C. Please explain why the development, adoption, implementation or revising of the Policy, Strategy or Plan, or the design or the delivery of the Public Service, has NOT been influenced by the rural needs identified.


Documenting and Recording

6A. Please tick below to confirm that the RNIA Template will be retained by the Public Authority and relevant information on the Section 1 activity compiled in accordance with paragraph 6.7 of the guidance.

I confirm that the RNIA Template will be retained and relevant information compiled.

Rural Needs Impact Assessment undertaken by: Car Parks and Concessionary Trading Manager

Division/Branch: Environmental Services Department

Date: 19 September.2024

Rural Needs Impact Assessment approved by: Director of Evironmental Services

Division/Branch: Environmental Services Department

Date: 19 September 2024