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10th September 2019 Leisure & Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 10th September 2019 Time: 07:00 PM


1.   Apologies

2.   Declarations of Interest

3.   Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 13 August 2019 (summary attached)


4.   Revised Terms of Reference for Sports Facility Project Board (report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 5 - 7 inclusive)

5.   Capital Projects Prioritisation (report attached)

6.   Atlantic Link Enterprise Campus Update (report attached)

7.   Let’s Talk Event (report attached)

8.   Correspondence (report attached)

9.   Matters reporting to the Partnership Panel

10.  Consultations

11.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Baird, seconded by Alderman McCandless (referred from Council Meeting 25 June 2019)

“Over the past year there have been numerous collisions at the road junctions most used by traffic approaching and leaving the Dark Hedges. Sadly a young man from

USA was killed in one such accident in September 2018. After lobbying the Roads Service and PSNI new high visibility Give Way signs were erected in October 2018 at two of the junctions but sadly the accident rate has not declined. Apart from the obvious high risk to life at these junctions the collisions have necessitated high level presence from the Ambulance Service, Air Ambulance Service and Police on an almost weekly frequency. Local people now live in fear in what has become treacherous international road junctions.

In support of lobbying currently underway I would ask that Council write to the Permanent Secretary at DfI and the Chief Constable for NI to have STOP signs put in place immediately at the Fivey Road and Bregagh Road junctions with Gracehill Road and that this is followed by other effective measures to ensure safety is paramount at these junctions. Furthermore that the Fivey Road junction with the Drones Road is risk assessed and appropriate action taken to ensure safety”.

12.  Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman Finlay, seconded by Councillor McAuley (referred from Council Meeting 27 August 2019)

“That a memorial tablet, in memory of William Dunlop, be placed within his father, Robert Dunlop's memorial garden in Ballymoney”.


13.  Reorganisation of Business Support (report attached)

14.  Reorganisation of Tourism and Recreation Events Team (report attached)

15.  Reorganisation of Sport and Wellbeing Development Unit (report attached)

16.  Reorganisation of Sport and Wellbeing Ballysally (report attached)

17.  Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))