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11th January 2022 Environmental Services Committee Meeting

Environmental Services Committee

Date: Tuesday, 11th January 2022 Time: 07:00 PM


1.      Apologies

2.      Declarations of Interest

3.      Minutes of Environmental Services Committee meeting held 15 December 2021 (summary attached)

FOR DECISION (Items 4-5 inclusive)

4.      Entertainments Licensing Report (report attached)

5.      Consultation on Private Tenancies Bill – Notice to Quit (report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 6-13 inclusive)

6.       Amusement Permit Renewals (report attached)

7.       Approval of Premises as a Venue for Civil Marriage (report attached)

8.       Entertainment Licence Renewals (report attached)

9.       Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)

10.     Society Lottery Registrations (report attached)

11.      Licences Issued Under Delegated Authority (report attached)

12.      Litter Enforcement Statistics (report attached)

13.      Castlerock Footbridge Update (report attached)

14.      Correspondence Report (report attached)

15.      Consultation Documents 

16.      Conferences

17.      Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

18.      Notice of Motion Proposed by Alderman Baird, seconded by Councillor P McShane (referred from Council Meeting 4 January 2022)

           Request for a Dog Control Order on lands between Ballintoy Harbour and Whitepark Bay

           Council have an asserted Right of Way over the lands as detailed above. This assertion is causing considerable hardship for the landowner who grazes sheep here; there are constant dog attacks on his sheep by irresponsible pet owners who constantly allow their dogs to run out of control. Apart from signage at Ballintoy Harbour, Council have not taken any action to try to stop the cruel attacks on the sheep causing considerable loss to the farmer. Accordingly, I now propose that Council make a Dog Control Order on this land to ban dogs from the area which is a working sheep farm. In proposing this I am mindful of the need for Council to maintain the good will of all landowners were asserted ROWs cross farmland.

FOR DECISION IN COMMITTEE (Items 19 - 21 inclusive)

19.     Asset Realisation - Declaration of Asset surplus to requirements Gap site located off New Market Street, Coleraine, (opposite Market Yard)  (report attached)

20.     Asset Realisation - Declaration of asset surplus to requirements.  Former Depot site, (dis-used), Fairhill Street, Ballycastle (report attached)

21.     ES ZBB Update Position and Opportunities for Estimates 2022/23 (to follow)

FOR INFORMATION IN COMMITTEE (Items 22-23 inclusive)

22.    Period 8 ES Management Accounts (report attached)

23.     Energy market volatility (2021) and possible cost impacts on future procurement of gas and electric contracts renewals in April 2022 (report attached)

24.     Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))  

Alderman Robinson 
To ask Council to consider a coffee/confectionary trading concession to be located at the new Limavady Accessible Playpark. This is on the back of a number of requests by parents who are spending several hours at the park with their children. The trading concession can be operated by a private individual or a community based organisation.

Alderman Fielding 
Updates on matters raised under AORB at November 2021 Environmental Services Meeting.
1. Update on Signage at Diversity Park Portstewart 
2. Update on recycling of plasterboard

Councillor McQuillan 
Can officers provide members with a detailed update on any issues there is with Council Trading Pitch licenses throughout the Borough 

I have been made aware of a street trader having their licence terminated on one of our pitches in Castlerock. What is the background to this termination? Why was it not brought before council for discussion?

Alderman Hillis 
May I have an update about the Food Van which was trading without a trading licence at the Metropole Portrush most of the summer. I had asked about this in August but it was subject to ongoing council action then.

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