11th June 2019 Leisure & Development Committee
Leisure and Development Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 12 March 2019 (summary attached)
4. Members will be provided with a briefing on the Capital Project Management Process
FOR DECISION (Items 5 – 9 inclusive)
5. Riverside Theatre Service Contract Review (report attached)
6. RDP Co-operation Project – Lower Bann Infrastructure Projects (report attached)
7. Lower Bann Minor Infrastructure Projects (report attached)
8. Enterprise Fund (report attached)
9. Leisure Facilities Project Board – Terms of Reference (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 10 – 12 inclusive)
10. The 148th Open (a presentation will be provided by The Director of Leisure and Development and The Open Project Manager)
11. Council Variable Messaging Signs (report attached)
12. RDP Co-operation Project – Yellow Frames (report attached)
13. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
14. Correspondence
15. Consultations
16. Reorganisation of Prosperity and Place (report attached)
17. Bushmills Arrival Hub (report attached)
18. Magheracross Coastal Walking Trailhead & Viewpoint (report attached)
19. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))