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12th December 2018 Audit Committee

Audit Committee

Date: Wednesday, 12th December 2018 Time: 07:00 PM


A  G  E  N  D  A

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting 19 September 2018 (summary attached)

4. Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO)

4.1 Annual Audit Letter (to follow)

4.2 Report to Those Charged With Governance (to follow)

4.3 Section 95 Report – Performance Duty (report attached)

5. Update on 2018/19 Performance Improvement Plan - (report attached)

6. Internal Audit Reports – CC&GBC In-House

6.1 Off Street Parking (report attached)

6.2 Harbours, Marina & Terminals (report attached)

6.3 Travel, Subsistence and Mobile Phones (report attached)

6.4  Time Recording & Overtime (report attached)

6.5 Use of Corporate Credit Card (to follow)            

7. Internal Audit Reports – Moore Stephens

7.1 PEACE IV (report attached)

7.2 Treasury Management (report attached)

7.3  Facilities and Estates Management (report attached)

7.4  Strategic Projects (report attached)

7.5  Quarterly Update (report attached)

8. Audit Committee Self-Assessment Checklist (report attached)

9.  Council Strategy Workshop (verbal update)

10. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

11. Correspondence (report attached)

IN COMMITTEE (Items 12 – 16 inclusive)

12. Corporate Risk Management (verbal update)

13.  Legal Cases Activity (to follow)

14. Whistle Blowing /Fraud (verbal update)

15.    Service Review – Audit, Governance and Risk (to follow)

16.    Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))

17.    Date of Next Meeting - Wednesday 13 March 2019