12th June 2018 Leisure and Development Committee
Leisure and Development Committee
Date: Tuesday, 12th June 2018 Time: 07:00 PM
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 8 May 2018 (Summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Items 4-8 Inclusive)
4. Good Relations Strategy (report attached)
5. Community Development and Social Inclusion Grants (report attached)
6. Nominations to the Museums Council (Report attached)
7. Enterprise Fund (Report attached)
8. Draft Pitches Investment Strategy (Report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 9-10 Inclusive)
9. PEACE IV Action Plan Delivery (Report attached)
10. Prosperity and Place Annual Report (report attached)
11. Correspondence
12. Consultations
13. Events Staffing Requirements (Report attached)
14. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)