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13th April 2022 Leisure and Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Wednesday, 13th April 2022 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 15th March 2022 (summary attached)
    FOR DECISION (Items 4-8 inclusive)
4. Motorhome and Touring van Infrastructure Improvements (Report attached)
5. Community Platinum Jubilee Grants Programme (Report attached)
6. DfC Funding for Foodbanks (Report attached)
7. PEACE Plus Partnership (Report attached)
8. Levelling Up Fund Applications (Report attached)
    FOR INFORMATION (Items 9-10 inclusive) 
9. Sport and Wellbeing Facilities Project Board Minutes (attached)
10. Rural and Agriculture Working Group Meeting Notes (attached)
11. Correspondence 
12. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
13. Consultations
14. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McAuley, seconded by Alderman Fielding referred from Council Meeting held 5th April 2022
   That Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council commits to re-invest a portion of the proceeds from the recent sale of Dunluce Centre in order to upgrade the facilities at Parker Avenue in order to ensure that they are up to a safe and suitable standard for all weather training and match play.
   These upgrades must include floodlighting, installation of an artificial pitch surface and action to address long running safety concerns with traffic management including poor visibility at night.

    FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Items 15-17 inclusive)
15. Macmillan Move More Cancer Support Partnership (Report attached)
16. Prosperity and Place Organisational Design (Report attached)
17. Tourism Events Organisational Design (Report attached)
18. Any Other Relevant Business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)

Alderman Robinson

To ask Council will current casual business support admin staff be offered permanent roles internally that are due to become available in Roe Valley and Coleraine Leisure Centres. If not what is the current employment law preventing long term and loyal staff being offered these positions internally?

Councillor McGurk

Can council consider the pricing structure for use of council owned leisure facilities by schools. Currently there are no dedicated rates for school use and rates are charged as standard juvenile rates. Perhaps a discounted structure could be considered for school use to ensure that our schools have the optimum access to our facilities whilst protecting their limited budgets.

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