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13th August 2019 Leisure & Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 13th August 2019 Time: 07:00 PM


  1. Apologies

  2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 11th June 2019 (summary attached)

4. Members will receive a presentation from Riverside Theatre (UU) –Amanda Castray (Director of Campus Life) and Roseanne Sturgeon (Riverside Theatre Manager)

FOR DECISION (Items 5-7 inclusive)

5. Local Full Fibre Network (LFFN) Funding Bid (report attached)

6. Capital Grants Programme (report attached)

7. Leisure and Development Business Plans 19/20 (report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 8-10 inclusive)

8. PCSP Annual Report 18/19 (report attached)

9. Community and Culture Annual Report 18/19 (report attached)

10. Girona Project (report attached)

11. Correspondence

12. Matters reporting to the Partnership Panel

13. Consultations


14. Digital Causeway Project – Contractor Award (report attached)

15. Cultural Services Restructure (report attached)

16. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)