13th March 2019 Audit Committee
Audit Committee
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting 12 December (summary attached)
4. Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO)
4.1 NIAO Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Audit Strategy 2018-2019 (attached)
5. Internal Audit Reports – CC&GBC In-House
5.1Absence Monitoring and Sickness (report attached)
5.2 Corporate Health and Safety – Civic Amenity Sites (report attached)
5.3 Reception Services (report attached)
5.4 Review of 2017-18 recommendations (report attached)
Other questionnaires completed
5.5 NIAO Fraud Assessment Questionnaire 2018-19 –completed assessment attached for information (report attached)
5.6 Managing Fraud Risk in a Changing Environment Self-Assessment Checklist 2018-19 (to follow) (attached)
6. Internal Audit Reports - Moore Stephens
6.1 Energy Management (report attached)
6.2 Town and Village Management (report attached)
6.3 Visitor Information Services (report attached)
6.4 Annual Internal Audit Report 2018/19, and Annual Assurance (report attached)
6.5 Prior Year Recommendations (report attached)
6.6 Assessing Conformance with Public Sector Internal Audit Standards and the Local Government Application Note (report available on request)
7. Report to Those Charged With Governance (progress report to follow) (attached)
8. Performance
8.1 Update on 2018/19 Performance Improvement Plan (report attached)
8.2 Performance Dashboard – Quarter 3 (report attached)
9. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
10. Correspondence (to follow) (attached)
IN COMMITTEE (Items 11 – 14 inclusive)
11. Corporate Risk Management (verbal update)
12. Legal Cases Activity (to follow)
13. Whistle Blowing /Fraud (verbal update)
14. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))
15. Date of Next Meeting - Wednesday 12 June 2019