13th October 2022 Finance Committee
Finance Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes Finance Committee meeting held Thursday 8th September 2022, reconvened on Tuesday 27th September 2022 (summary attached)
IN COMMITTEE (Item 4 – 14 inclusive)
4. P5 Management Accounts (to follow)
5. Debt Management Report (report attached)
6. Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)
7. Treasury Management mid-year review (report attached)
8. APP Forecast (report attached)
9. Mayor's Expenses (report attached)
10. Income and Expenditure analysis (report attached)
11. Budget Timetable (report attached)
12. Landfill Performance Deed (report attached)
13. Annual Tenders (report attached)
14. Vehicle Hire Tender (report attached)
15. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12