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15th February 2022 Leisure and Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 15th February 2022 Time: 07:00 PM


1.   Apologies
2.   Declarations of Interest
3.   Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 18th January 2021 (summary attached)

      FOR DECISION (Items 4-11 inclusive)

4.   Coast and Countryside Infrastructure Works (Report attached)
5.   Queen’s Jubilee Terms of Reference and Draft Programme (Report attached)
6.   PEACE Plus Partnership (Report attached)
7.   Taste Causeway (Report attached)
8.    Exploring Enterprise (Report attached)
9.   Causeway Learn to Earn Programme (Report attached)
10.  Portrush and Kerr Street Improvement Works (Report attached)
11.  Technical Assistance Grant (Report attached)
12.  Correspondence (Report attached)
13.  Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
14.  Consultations (Report attached)

      FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Items 15-19 inclusive)

15.  HALP Capital Investment (Report attached)
16.  Coleraine Leisure Centre Investment (Report attached)
17.  Greenway Projects (Report attached)
18.  Growth Deal State of Readiness and Affordability (Report attached)
19.  Funding Support Large Events (Report attached)
20.  Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)

Councillor Chivers (1)  Limavady Accessible Playpark

 Would Council consider a development of a Master Plan for the site at Limavady accessible playpark to ensure that all future development is carried with a consistent phased approach rather than ad-hoc. This should encourage more efficient and cost effective use of council resources and rate payers money. This plan should be carried out in consultation with the community and councillors.

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