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15th January 2019 Corporate Policy & Resources Committee

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 15th January 2019 Time: 07:00 PM


1.      Apologies

2.      Declarations of Interest

3.      Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 20 November 2019 (summary attached)

4.      Minutes of the Governance Working Group held Wednesday 5th December 2018 (attached)

5.      Dalriada Pathfinder Partnership (report attached) 

6.      Estimated Penny Product Forecast (report attached)

7.      Actual Penny Product Forecast (report attached)           

8.      Prompt Payment statistics (report attached)

9.      Correspondence (report attached)

10.    Consultations

11.    Conferences

12.    Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

13.    Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor A Mulholland, seconded by Councillor MA McKillop referred from 27 November Council Meeting

‘That Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council adopts the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Charter, which sets out the care and support that people living with MND and their carers deserve and should expect.

By adopting this MND Charter this Council agrees to promote the Charter and make it available to Councillors and Council staff. We will raise awareness of MND and what good care looks like for those living with this devastating disease, as stated in the Charter and do everything we can as the Council to positively influence the quality of life for local people with (MND) and their carers living in our community’.

14.    Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Stevenson, Seconded by Alderman Campbell referred from 18 December 2018 Council Meeting

          ‘That the motto underneath the borough crest be changed to Goodwill to all people, in Latin or English as members decide’.

IN COMMITTEE (Items 15 – 21 inclusive)

15.    Capital Programmes (report attached)

16.    Rates Support Grant (report attached)       

17.    Management Accounts Period 6 (report attached)

18.    Rates Estimates (verbal update)

19.    Debt Management (report attached)

20.    Minutes of the Meeting of the Land and Property Sub-Committee held Wednesday 9 January 2019 (to follow)

21.    Severance Requests (report attached)

22.    Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))