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15th November 2022 Leisure and Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 15th November 2022 Time: 07:00 PM


A  G  E  N  D  A
1.  Apologies
2.  Declarations of Interest
3.  Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 18th October 2022 (summary attached)
     FOR DECISION (Items 4-6 inclusive)
4.  Annual Grant Programmes (Report attached)
5.  Town Centre Experience Fund (Report attached)
6.  Autism Action Plan (Report attached)
     FOR INFORMATION (Items 7-9 inclusive)
7.  Air Show Project Board minutes (attached)
8.  Mountsandel Working Group minutes (attached)
9.  Rural and Agricultural Working Group minutes (attached)
10. Correspondence 
11. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
12. Consultations
13. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor C McShane, seconded by Alderman Baird referred from Council Meeting held Tuesday 4th October 2022, reconvened on Monday 11th October 2022.
Parental Alienation Motion
That Causeway Coast and Glens Council recognises that domestic abuse can take many forms.

To recognise that Parental Alienation can be captured as a form of domestic abuse as it is accepted as a group of behaviours. 

That this Council acknowledges that more needs to be done to include training and education within the area of parental alienation, so that professionals are trained to meet the ongoing needs of families. 

Furthermore, that this Council writes to the Justice Minister to highlight the issue of parental alienation, raising the concerns of families who have been impacted locally and requesting a meeting with representatives from the La Dolce Vita Project, to help inform and shape future solutions for children and families involved in court related matters.

14. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor McCaw, seconded by Alderman Boyle referred from Council Meeting held Tuesday 1 November 2022
This Council commits to providing the following criteria when it comes to Changing Places toilets at Council events.
      - A Changing Places unit will be available at all large-scale public events organised or funded by Council.
      - Consideration will be given to holding smaller scale events at venues where there already is a Changing Places unit available.
      - Smaller events taking place in other venues will advertise in advance asking if people who plan to attend need these facilities to be available.

      FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Items 15-18 inclusive)
15. Financial Position (Report attached) 
16. Mountsandel Visitor Project (Report attached)
17. Ballycastle to Ballymoney Greenway (Report attached)
18. Burnfoot Pitch Project Tender Report (Report attached)
19. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12.(o)

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