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15th October 2019 Leisure & Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 15th October 2019 Time: 07:00 PM


  1. Apologies

  2. Declarations of Interest

  3. Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 10th September 2019 (summary attached)

  4. Mountsandel Experience – For Information (report attached)

    Members will receive a presentation from the appointed consultants.

    FOR DECISION (Items 5-14 inclusive)

  5. Binevenagh Landscape Partnership (report attached)

  6. Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust (report attached)

  7. Lower Bann Infrastructure Projects (report attached)

  8. Rural Development Programme, International Appalachian Trail/Causeway Coast Way Infrastructure Improvements (report attached)

  9. Riverside Theatre (report attached)

  10. CCTV (Report attached)

  11. Rural Business Capital Grant Scheme (report attached)

  12. Northern Ireland Business Start Up Programme (report attached)

  13. Causeway Coast and Glens Growth Deal (report attached)

  14. Match Funding Request Learn to Earn (report attached)

    FOR INFORMATION (Items 15-17 inclusive)

  15. Grant Funding Policy Review (report attached)

  16. Landfill Community Fund (report attached)

  17. Council Managed Events – Road Closure and Traffic Management Legislation (report attached)

  18. Correspondence

  19. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel

  20. Consultations
    FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Items 21-24 inclusive)
  21. Enterprise Zone Update – For Information (report attached)
  22. Essential Works at JDLC (report to follow)

  23. Reorganisation of Sport and Wellbeing Business Support (report attached)

  24. Reorganisation of Tourism and Recreation Events Team (report attached)

  25. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)