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16th March 2021 Leisure & Development Meeting

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 16th March 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1.  Apologies
2.  Declarations of Interest
3.  Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 16th February 2021 (summary attached)

FOR DECISION (Items 4- 14 inclusive)

4.  FFNI Operational Costs (Report attached)
5.  NI 100 Centenary Working Group (Report attached)
6.  Community Development Grants (Report attached)
7.  Code of Practice for Reducing Bureaucracy in Grant Making (Report attached)
8.  Grants Governance Panel (Report attached)
9.  Events Recovery Fund (Report attached)
10. Tourism Events Programme 2021 (Report attached)
11. The Glens Visitor Information Provision (Report attached)
12. Causeway Coast Way – Public Right of Way (Report attached)
13 Cloughmills Play Provision / Asset Disposal (Report attached)
14. On the Ball Campaign Update (Report attached)


15. DfC Covid Funding Update (Report attached)

16. DAERA Rural Tourism Collaborative Experience (Report attached)
17. Correspondence (Report attached)
18. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
19. Consultations (Report attached)
20. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Dallat O'Driscoll Seconded Councillor MA McKillop, referred from the 2 March 2021 Council Meeting:

Child Poverty This Council notes with alarm the Department of Communities Family Resources Survey 2018/2019 which show that 122,000 children in Northern Ireland live in relative poverty (24% of children) with 109,000 of those living in absolute poverty and expresses deep concern that these figures have increased significantly since the previous year and have not       improved at all in the last five years. The rise of the Universal Credit claimant count and expected end of the furlough scheme could see a further increase in these numbers, with the two - child tax credit rule and benefit cap only adding to the pressure on families with children. This Council calls on the Minister for Communities to immediately convene a child poverty task force, to set out how her department will reduce child poverty by next year and over the next decade.

21. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Dallat O'Driscoll Seconded Councillor Beattie, referred from the 2 March 2021 Council Meeting:

This Council expresses deep concern about the financial consequences of Brexit for Executive departments including the loss of £70 million in EU Structural Funds for the Department for the Economy; regrets that the level of funding promised to the devolved institutions by the British government will not be equivalent to EU Structural Funds, notes that any loss of funding will result in significant negative consequences for Northern Ireland’s economy and society; expresses concern that plans to operate the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from Westminster represent moves to centralise regional development policy; and calls upon the Minister for the Economy and the Minister of Finance to urge the British Government to commit to using the Shared Prosperity Fund to replace in full the EU funding lost as a result of Brexit and operate in a way that respects devolution settlements.


22. Coleraine Bomb Memorial 
23. Larchfield Playpark Tender Report 
24. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)