17th April 2018 Corporate Policy & Resources Committee
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Meeting held Wednesday 20 March 2018 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Item 4 - Item 10 inclusive)
4. Minutes of the Efficiency Sub-Committee Wednesday held 11 April 2018 (to follow)
5. Notes of Meeting of Centenary End of Great War Working Group held Wednesday 11 April 2018 (to follow)
6. Leaving Legacy for Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant - For Decision (report attached)
7. Data Controller Registration and NAC Correspondence (report attached)
8. Officer Authorisation (report attached)
9. Banking Services (report attached)
10. Annual Tenders (report to follow)
FOR INFORMATION (Item 11 - Item 14 inclusive)
11. Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)
12. Conferences (report attached)
13. Correspondence (addendum attached)
14. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side
IN COMMITTEE (Item 15 - Item 18 inclusive)
15. Postal VAT Claim – For Decision (report attached)
16. Scheme of Allowances – For Decision (report attached)
17. Debt Management – For Information (report attached)
18. Minutes of the Meeting of the Land and Property Sub-Committee held Thursday 12 April 2018 (to follow)
19. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))