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17th August 2021 Leisure & Development Meeting

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 17th August 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1.  Apologies
2.  Declarations of Interest
3.  Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 15th June 2021 (summary attached)
4.  Members will receive a presentation from Foras Na Gaeilge.

FOR DECISION (Items 5-13 inclusive)

5.  CLC Strategic Outline Case (Report attached)
6.  Coleraine Bomb Memorial (Report attached)
7.  DfC Funding, Anti-Poverty Strategy (Report attached)
8.  Reducing Bureaucracy in Grant Making (Report attached)
9.  Grant Funding Governance Panel (Report attached)
10. Labour Market Partnership Strategy and Action Plan (Report attached)
11. Alchemy Mentoring (Report attached)
12. Trail Development Causeway Coast Way (Report attached)
13. Growth Deal Governance (Report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 14-16 inclusive)

14. Town Centre Recovery Fund Projects Update (Report Attached)
15. Age Friendly Alliance and Forum (Report attached)
16. NI 100 Council Centenary Working Group (Report Attached)
17. Correspondence 
18. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
19. Consultations (Report attached)


20. Portrush Recreation Grounds (Report attached)
21. Seaport Avenue Coastal Erosion Tender Report (Report attached)
22. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)

(i) Councillor MA McKillop
     What bylaws are in place to address personal watercrafts usage on our beaches?

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