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17th September 2019 Corporate Policy & Resources Committeeq

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 17th September 2019 Time: 07:00 PM



A  G  E  N  D  A

  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 20 August 2019 (summary attached)
  4. Presentation by the Land & Property Services:

To receive: Alan Bronte, Director of Rating Policy

FOR DECISION – (Item 5 – Item 11 inclusive)

     5. Leaving Legacy for the Former Lord-Lieutenant for the County of Antrim, Mrs Joan Christie CVO, OBE (report attached)

  1. Annual Remembrance Services (report attached)
  2. Registration – Fees for Marriages and Civil Partnerships (report attached)
  3. Amendmens to Standing Orders (report attached)
  4. Party Group Leaders’ Forum Terms of Reference (report attached)
  5. Loan Application Approvals (report attached)
  6. Timetable of Meetings Schedule October 2019 - December 2019 & January 2020 – December 2020 (report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Item 12 – Item 16 inclusive)

  1. Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)
  2. Correspondence (report attached)
  3. Consultations (report attached)
  4. Conferences (report attached)
  5. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
  6. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McShane, seconded by Councillor Nicholl (referred from Council Meeting 27 August 2019)

    “Fully Duty Applicant status for Homelessness

That this Council commends the #FDANODELAY campaign and recognises that people living in hostels and other temporary/emergency accommodation across our society are homeless and deserve to be legally recognised as such by having Full Duty Applicant status awarded.This Council calls on the NIHE Chief Executive to respond outlining what measures the NIHE will now take to accurately audit the extent of the problem regarding homeless people who are not recognised as such and what steps will be taken to remedy these oversights.”

  1. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor McAuley (referred from Council Meeting 27 August 2019)

With the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War approaching, Council wishes to recognise the contribution of those who fought in that War from Northern Ireland.  It notes that every year the number of our surviving veterans is reducing and the time to provide public and appropriate recognition is running out.  This Council will therefore provide all surviving veterans of WW2 (including those in the Merchant Navy) who reside in our Borough with a Silver Poppy of Remembrance to mark their service in the fight against Fascism and Nazism.  These Poppies will be presented to all surviving Veterans at a special Service of Remembrance the week commencing the 4th November 2019.  It further encourages other Councils throughout Northern Ireland to mark our surviving Second World War veterans service in a similar way.

FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Item 19 – Item 25 inclusive)

  1. Debt Management (report attached)
  2. Month 3 Management Accounts (report attached)
  3. Request for Voluntary Severance Report Finance Department (report attached)
  4. Minutes of the Meeting of the Land and Property Sub-Committee 4 September 2019 (report attached)
  5. Service Review Proposals – Policy and Community Planning Department (report attached)
  6. Organisation Design and Human Resources Structural Review (report attached)
  7. OD/HR – Severance Request Reports:
    25.1OD/HR – Severance Request Report from Leisure & Development (report attached)
    25.2OD/HR – Severance Request Report from Environmental Services (report attached)
    25.3OD/HR – Severance Request Report from Corporate Policy & Resources (report attached)
  8. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))