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18th May 2021 Leisure & Development Meeting

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 18th May 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1.   Apologies
2.   Declarations of Interest
3.   Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 20th April 2021 (summary attached)
4.   Members will receive a presentation from the Harry Gregg Legacy Group.

FOR DECISION (Items 5-10 inclusive)

5.   Cultural, Arts and Heritage Grant Funding (Report attached)
6.   Ballycastle Museum Project Plan (Report attached)
7.   Carrick Dhu Touring Pitches (Report attached)
8.   DAERA Rural Business Development Scheme (Report attached)
9.   Town Forums (Report attached)
10. LD Business Plans 2021-22 (Report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 11-13 inclusive)

11.  Additional DfC Covid Funding (Report attached)
12.  Age Friendly Programme Progress and Charter (Report Attached)
13.  Levelling Up Fund (Report Attached)
14.  Correspondence 
15.  Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel
16.  Consultations

17.  Notice of Motion proposed by Alderman S McKillop, Seconded by Alderman Fielding referred from the 4th May Council Meeting:

      ‘That this council recognises Bobby Greer and his extraordinary contribution to the Bushmills’ community. Whilst Bobby was a humble and unassuming individual, his love and commitment to the entire Bushmills’ community was renowned and tireless. Specifically, Bobby was a ‘leading light’ in the fund-raising efforts and development of Bushmills’ United Football Club. Furthermore, his moral and ethical characteristics were an example to all, not just in football, but as a         community leader. Bobby was also instrumental in securing the football pitch at Dundarave for future generations of Bushmills United. Following his sad passing in 2020, Bobby was described in the Antrim Guardian as an ‘absolute legend’ and ‘the kindest and most caring person. In recognition of Bobby’s life and his commitment and contribution to Bushmills, this Council names the Dundarave Sports Facility as the Bobby Greer Sports Complex, installing appropriate           signage. To upgrade the site, officers investigate the options, with the intention of installing floodlighting at both the sports pitch and MUGA’

18.  Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)

Alderman Fielding

(i) That Council consults with Residents & Key groups within the Portstewart area to ascertain the needs of the community going forward.

(Referred from 23 March 2021 Corporate Policy & Resources Committee to the Leisure and Development Committee)