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19th March 2019 Corporate Policy & Resources Committee

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 19th March 2019 Time: 07:00 PM


1.   Apologies

2.   Declarations of Interest

3.   Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 19 February 2019 (summary attached)

4.   NI Planning IT System – Funding Model (report attached)

5.   Amended NI Local Elections (to follow) (attached)

6.   April Meetings (report attached)

7.   Scheme of Allowances (report attached)

8.   Procurement Policy (report attached)

9.   Vehicle Tender (report attached)

10.  JAM Card Initiative (report attached)

11.  Prompt Payment statistics (report attached)

12.  Performance Improvement Consultation Feedback (report attached)

13.  Correspondence (report attached)

14.  Consultations

15.  Conferences

16.  Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

17.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor K Mulholland

‘This Council recognises the positive benefits that breastfeeding can have for both the mother and baby.  Calls on the council to support the #NotSorryMums campaign run by the Public Health Agency and the Department of Health.  Further calls on the council to ensure that all councils facilities are a part of the 'Breastfeeding welcome here scheme.’

18.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McLean, seconded by Alderman Finlay

‘That Council review the policy around the ‘Citizen’s Newsletter’ with a view to making the publication more cost effective.

After receiving a number of complaints from local people regarding Council’s “Citizens’ Newsletter”, I have been prompted to investigate its’ usefulness.

The cost associated with design and distribution of the magazine across the Borough equates to approximately £18,348 per addition.  Over 60% of this cost relates to distribution.

In the 21st Century, there are more cost effective ways of communicating with citizens, by perhaps utilising our website and social media more effectively.  A significant reduced print run could be distributed in a targeted manner across the Council’s public buildings, as well as in libraries, doctors’ surgeries, schools and churches.

Councillors who are engaged with their community also provide a means of communicating with the local population.

Bearing in mind these factors it seems only sensible Council reviews this expensive means of communicating with Citizens of the Borough’.


19.  Management Accounts (confidential report attached) - NOT FOR PUBLICATION

20.  Debt Management (confidential report attached) - NOT FOR PUBLICATION


21.1 Implementation of New NJC Pay Scales (confidential report attached)
21.2 Standby and Callout Policy (confidential report attached)

22. Minutes of the Meeting of the Land and Property Sub-Committee held Wednesday 6 March 2019 (attached) - NOT FOR PUBLICATION

23. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))