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19th November 2019 leisure and Development Committee

Leisure and Development Committee

Date: Tuesday, 19th November 2019 Time: 07:00 PM


  1. Apologies

  2. Declarations of Interest

  3. Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 15th October 2019 (Summary attached)

FOR DECISION (Items 4-10 inclusive)

4. Ballycastle Museum OBC (Report attached)

Members will receive a presentation from the appointed consultants.

5. Language Celebration Week (Report attached)

6. Community Centre Management Agreements (Report attached)

7. Development of Walking Trails, Permissive Path Agreements (Report attached)

8. Terms of Reference Growth Deal (Report attached)

9. 5G Communications (Report attached)

10. Grants Programmes 2020/21 (Report attached)

FOR INFORMATION (Items 11-13 inclusive)

11. Prosperity and Place Mid-year Update (Report attached)

12. Atlantic Link Enterprise Campus Update (Report attached)

13. Visitor Information Centres (Report attached)

14. Correspondence

15. Matters Reporting to the Partnership Panel

16. Consultations

17. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Hunter, seconded by Councillor Holmes and Alderman Hillis, referred from 5 November 2019 Council Meeting


Council notes the successful development of the Bushmills Salmon and Whiskey Festival and task officers to develop plans to enhance it as a Food Festival to help promote Taste Causeway and the local Food Industry.

18. Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Richard Holmes, seconded by Councillor Wilson, referred from 5 November 2019 Council Meeting


Council notes the rise in tourists coming to the area and the significant spend across the council area. Council also notes that this is heavily biased towards the coastal areas where most of our attractions are located. In order to help inland attractions Council tasks officers to establish tourist trails for holiday makers. Such routes may include Yellow Frame trail, GoT trail, 1718 Migration trail amongst others.


19. Dunluce Centre (Report attached)

20. Ballycastle Shared Campus (Report attached)

21. Portrush Recreation Grounds (Report attached)

22. Any other relevant business notified in accordance with Standing Order 12. (o)