1st June 2021 Council Meeting
Full Council
1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of Members’ Interests
4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 4 May 2021 (attached)
5. Minutes of Special Council Meeting held Friday 21 May 2021 (attached)
6. Minutes of Planning Meeting held Wednesday 28 April 2021 (to follow)
7. Minutes of Environmental Services Meeting held Tuesday 11 May 2021 (attached)
8. Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting held Thursday 13 May 2021 (attached)
9. Minutes of Leisure and Development Meeting held Tuesday 18 May 2021 (attached)
10. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee meeting held Tuesday 27 April 2021 deferred from 4th May 2021 Council Meeting (attached)
11. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee meeting held Tuesday 25 May 2021 (to follow)
12. Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel
13. Conferences (report attached)
14. Correspondence (report attached)
15. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
16. Seal Documents
(i) Grave Registry Certificates, Numbers 5140 – 5148 inclusive
(ii) Lease for Land at Woodvale, Bushmills – The Old Bushmills Distillery Company Limited and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
(Ref L&P SC 200205, CP&R 200225, CM 200303).
(iii) Sub-Lease for Land at Woodvale, Bushmills - Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and the Trustees of Bushmills Community Association (Ref L&P SC 200205, CP&R 200225, CM 200303).
17. Rescission of a Preceding Resolution
We the undersigned, and in accordance with Standing Orders 23 (1) wish to rescind the following motion, proposed by Councillor Cara McShane and seconded by Councillor Angela Mulholland, which was ratified by full council on Tuesday 4th May 2021:
“To recommend that as we emerge from the pandemic, and encourage staycations and visitors to the Causeway Coast and Glens ,that we ensure regular emptying of bins to include additional staffing as deemed necessary by the Director”
This motion was not fully costed and by its very nature it will place a much greater financial responsibility on the whole of council and in particular the Environmental Services Directorate. Careful consideration should have been given to this proposal and its impact on council services across the Council.
Signed – Councillor McAuley, Councillor Wallace, Councillor McLean, Councillor McQuillan, Alderman Finlay, Councillor Anderson, Alderman Robinson, Alderman Duddy