1st May 2018 Environmental Services Committee
Environmental Services Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on 11 April 2018 (summary attached)
FOR DECISION (Item 4 – 8 inclusive)
4. Grant of Entertainment Licences (report attached)
5. Application for Recognition of a Water Source as Mineral Water (report attached)
6. Estates Saving Proposals 2018/19 (report attached)
7. Knock Road Depot (report attached)
8. 2018/19 Business Plans (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 9 – 16 inclusive)
9. Amusement Permit Renewals (report attached)
10. Approval of Premises as a location for Civil Marriage (report attached)
11. Approval of Premises as a location for Civil Partnership (report attached)
12. Cinema Licence Renewal (report attached)
13. Entertainment Licence Renewals (report attached)
14. Liquor Licences (report attached)
15. Society Lottery Registrations (report attached)
16. Animal Welfare Statistical Report 2017-18 (report attached)
17. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel (Local Government side)
18. Correspondence
19. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Holmes, Seconded by Councillor Baird, Councillor A Mulholland and Councillor Knight McQuillan
Council notes that townland names form a rich part of our history but usage is diminishing and many people are often unaware of the townland in which they reside.
Council proposes that Officers bring back a paper with full costings to add townland names to all road and street signs across the Borough. To reduce cost, it is proposed that signs are updated as repair or replacement is required with an objective that all signs should be updated by 2040. Council continue to adhere to its existing policy on bilingual signs.
20. Future Council Cemetery Provision (report attached)
21. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))