1st November 2022 Council Meeting
Full Council
1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies
3. Declaration of Members’ Interests
4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 4th October 2022, reconvened on Monday 10th October 2022 (to follow)
5. Minutes of Special Council Meeting held Monday 17th October 2022 (copy attached v3)
6. Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held Wednesday 28th September 2022 (copy attached)
7. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee meeting held Tuesday 11th October 2022 (copy attached)
8. Minutes of Finance Committee meeting held Thursday 13th October 2022 (copy attached)
9. Minutes of Leisure and Development Committee meeting held Tuesday 18th October 2022 (copy attached)
10. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee meeting held Tuesday 25th October 2022 (to follow)
11. Matters for reporting to the Partnership Panel
12. Conferences
13. Correspondence (report attached)
14. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
15. Seal Documents
(i) Grave Registry Certificates, No’s 5429 – 5451 inclusive;
(ii) Consent under Inhibition, Loughgiel Shamrocks GAC, Deed of Dedication (Ref: Authorised Director of Environmental Services under Scheme of Delegation 4.6);
(iii) Renewal of Commercial Lease, Dungiven Castle, 145 Main Street, Dungiven, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Gaelcholáiste Dhoire Teoranta, Irish Language School (Ref CP&R 151117 / CM 151124);
(iv) Licence Agreement, To Enter Upon Council Lands Main Street Car Park, Limavady - Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Philip Diamond Trading as Philip Diamond Contracts (L&PSC 211103 / CP&R 211123 / CM 211207);
(v) Renewal of Licence Agreement Lime Park Playing Fields, Drones Road, Armoy – Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Trustees of Armoy Community Association (Ref L&P SC 220907/CP&R 220927/CM 221010);
(vi) Renewal of Licence Agreement Lime Park Playing Fields, Drones Road, Armoy – Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Causeway Giant’s American Football Club (Ref L&P SC 220907/CP&R 220927/CM 221010);
(vii) Lease for Multiuse Games Area, Foreglen, Dungiven – The Trustees of O’Brien’s Gaelic Athletic Club, Foreglen, Dungiven and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council (Ref L&P SC 200205/CP&R 200225/CM 200303);
(viii) Statement of Compliance at Conclusion of Licence Agreement, Bridge Street, Coleraine – Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Bridge Park Developments Limited.
16. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Storey, seconded by Councillor Callaghan
This council acknowledges, with sadness, the recent passing of our late Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth II. Pays tribute to the exemplary dignity, wisdom and diligence with which Her Late Majesty served our nation and the Commonwealth. Further acknowledges the tremendous debt of gratitude owed for the personal sacrifice and unwavering loyal devotion over her glorious 70-year reign.
This Council commits to honour and enshrine her memory in tangible commemoration across the Borough and invites council officers to present an options paper to the relevant committee for consideration in due course.
This council shall also establish a sub-committee to commence preparation for the coronation of His Majesty, King Charles III.
17. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Storey, Seconded by Alderman McLean
That Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council adopts the access from Townhead Street car park unto Eastermeade Gardens.
18. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor McCaw, seconded by Alderman Boyle
This Council commits to providing the following criteria when it comes to Changing Places toilets at Council events.
- A Changing Places unit will be available at all large-scale public events organised or funded by Council.
- Consideration will be given to holding smaller scale events at venues where there already is a Changing Places unit available.
- Smaller events taking place in other venues will advertise in advance asking if people who plan to attend need these facilities to be available.
19. Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP) 2035: Draft Plan Strategy (dPS) (copy attached)
Addendum Item 20 Trade Union Local Pay and Condition Demands (report attached)