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1st October 2019 Council Meeting

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 1st October 2019 Time: 07:00 PM


1.   The Mayor’s Business

2.   Apologies

3.   Declarations of Members’ Interests

4.   Presentation by NI Water:

Dr Stephen Blockwell, Head of Investment Management, NI Water
David McCullough, Head of Wastewater, NI Water

5.   Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 27 August 2019 (attached)

6.   Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 28 August 2019 (attached)

7.   Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 3 September 2019 (attached)

8.   Minutes of Leisure & Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 10 September 2019 (attached)

9.   Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 17 September 2019 (to follow)

10.  Minutes of Audit Committee held Wednesday 18 September 2019 (attached)

11.  Annual Performance Self-Assessment 2018/19 (report attached)

12.  Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side

13.  Conferences

14.  Correspondence (report attached)

15.  Consultation Schedule (report attached)

16.  Seal Documents

Grave Registry Certificates (Nos 4821 – 4831 inclusive)

16.1 Coleraine/Ballywillan/Agherton/Portstewart/Kilrea (10 No)

16.2 Ballymoney/Rasharkin (1 No)

Other Leases/Licences

16.3 Full Fibre Northern Ireland Consortium Agreement (FFNI) Programme (Ref L&D 190813 / CM 190827)  

16.4  Deed of Variation – Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and the Trustees of Drumsurn Community Association (Ref CM 190416)

17.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Alan McLean, seconded by Councillor John McAuley     

“Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has many miles of beautiful coastline that has seen an increase in visitors during the last number of years as we promote its tourism opportunities.  Unfortunately, the marine environment suffers from an increasing amount of plastic waste and in shore litter which locals have always been keen to keep under control.  In order to assist local communities in keeping their areas tidy and free from litter, this Council would purchase and install a number of Seabins in order to improve this position and ensure future generations can enjoy this wonderful asset.”

18.   Notice of Motion Proposed by Alderman John Finlay, seconded by Councillor Margaret-Anne McKillop

“That this Council expresses its deep concern at the decision by Westminster to proceed with reform of abortion law against the wishes of the people of Northern Ireland and their elected representatives, and notes the sensitivity and complexity of this issue, and ask that no legislative changes regarding abortion be considered until the NI assembly is restored.”

19.   Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Richard Holmes seconded by Councillor Sandra Hunter, supported by Alderman Norman Hillis


Council notes that we own significant plots of land and buildings across the Borough which may have development potential. We also note that there has been significant growth in housing stock in recent years but that demand still outstrips supply with waiting lists for housing still an issue. Whilst ensuring we manage our green spaces, we task officers to:

1.     Explore options to develop land/buildings for housing and/or commercial purposes;

2.     Determine whether it is a viable option to enter the renting sector having developed sites and whether this should be done alone or in partnership with housing organisations;

3.     Assess whether a Council Owned Development Company is the best option to deliver the above.”

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