
Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 22 Aug 2017 Time: 7:00 PM


1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies 
3. Declarations of Members’ Interests
4. Presentation – Northern Ireland Housing Executive: Causeway Coast and Glens, Housing Investment Plan (copy attached)
To receive Paul Isherwood, Director of Asset Management; Frank O’Connor, Regional Director North; Mark Alexander, Senior Principal Officer and Fiona McGrath, Senior Principal Officer
5. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 25 July 2017 (copy attached)
6. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 1 August 2017 (copy attached)
7. Minutes of Leisure & Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 8 August 2017 (copy attached)
8. Minutes of Special Planning Committee Meeting held Thursday 10 August 2017 (copy attached)
9. Minutes of Corporate Policy & Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 15 August 2017 (to follow)
10. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side (next meeting 8 September in Templepatrick) 
11. Conferences (report attached) 
12. Correspondence (report attached) 
13. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
14. Seal Documents
Grave Registry Certificates
14.1 Grave Registry Certificates, Coleraine, Ballywillan, Agherton and Portstewart Cemeteries (No’s 4530 - 4542 inclusive)
14.2 Grave Registry Certificates, Enagh Cemetery, Limavady (No. 464 - 465) 

Related Files

Item 5 170725 Council Minutes

Item 6 - 170801 Environmental Services Minutes

Item 7 - 170808 Leisusre and Development Minutes

Item 8 - 170810 Special Planning Minutes

Item 9 - 170815 - CPR Minutes

Item 11 - 170822 Conferences Report

Item 12 - Correspondence Report

Item 13 - Consultation Schedule