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22nd November 2022 Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 22nd November 2022 Time: 07:00 PM


1.  Apologies

2.  Declarations of Interest

3.  Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 25 October 2022 (summary attached)  

4.  Insurance Strategy (report attached)

5.  Performance Business Plan Update – 6 month review (report attached

6.  Corporate Services Business Plan Update – 6 month review (report attached)

7.  Planning Review Steering Group (draft minutes attached)

8.  Community Planning update (report attached

9.  Local Government Training Group LGTG (to follow)   FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Item 9) 

Addendum 10. Conferences (report attached) 

11. Consultations 

12. Correspondence 

13. Matters for Reporting to the Partnership Panel

14. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Storey, Seconded by Councillor Callaghan, referred from Council Meeting 1st November 2022. 

This council acknowledges, with sadness, the recent passing of our late Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth II. Pays tribute to the exemplary dignity, wisdom and diligence with which Her Late Majesty served our nation and the Commonwealth.                      
Further acknowledges the tremendous debt of gratitude owed for the personal sacrifice and unwavering loyal devotion over her glorious 70-year reign.  This Council commits to honour and enshrine her memory in tangible commemoration across the Borough and invites council officers to present an options paper to the relevant committee for consideration in due course.  
This council shall also establish a sub-committee to commence preparation for the coronation of His Majesty, King Charles III.

     FOR CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATION (Item 15 - 16 inclusive)

15. Corporate Services Management Accounts Period 6 2022/23 (report attached)

16. Minutes of the Land and Property Sub Committee meeting held 2 November 2022 (attached)

17. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))

Recommended for Confidential Consideration
Alderman Hillis
It is my understanding that Causeway Coast and Glens BC council decision last January was that the Dunluce Centre was to be sold to the preferred bidder. 
1. Has any money changed hands as yet between the preferred bidder and Council?
2. Is the sale subject to a yet unsigned agreement between the purchaser and the Council?
3. Is part of this pending agreement dependant on Council agreeing to permit the purchaser to have 25% of the floor space used for games of chance?
4. Will the future use of the Dunluce Centre not be subject to a planning application as the previous use of the Dunluce Centre would have been for indoor recreations and the now proposed use (in part) would be for an amusement arcade or centre? As these are two materially different uses can it be confirmed that planning permission would need to be obtained?
5. Can it be confirmed that under the Northern Area Plan 2016 (Policy PH03) regarding planning policy on provision of amusement arcades in Portrush it states that no new amusement arcades will be permitted on the Portrush Peninsula ie. the area north of the Croc na mac Road?
6. As this planning policy is still in force is Causeway Coast and Glens Council not going to be in conflict with its own agreed planning policy if it agrees to the 25% floor space at the Dunluce Centre for games of chance?

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