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23rd February 2021 Corporate Policy & Resources Meeting

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 23rd February 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 26 January 2021 (summary attached)

4. NI100 - Centenary Celebrations - Visit to the Somme to mark the 100th anniversary of the Ulster Tower (report attached)

5.  Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)

6. Elected Member Development Working Group (notes to follow)

7.  Conferences

8.  Correspondence (report attached)

9.  Consultations (report attached)

10.  Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

11.   Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Peacock, seconded by Councillor 

          McLaughlin (Referred from 2nd February 2021 Council Meeting)

         That this Council continue to record proceedings of the Council when the Council goes into committee.  These recordings should not be publicly available but held by Council for future reference.  Many times we have required clarification from a meeting which had gone into committee and not had the information available and many times we                 have seen call-ins come back to say that the audio was not available and so limited consideration could be given or information on a members or officers contributions cannot be sought as the audio recording has stopped.  In order to ensure good governance and ease of reference audio recording should continue, in a manner most suitable, to               be held privately by the Council as a record of the meeting.


12.   Debt Management (report attached)

13.   Minutes of Land and Property Sub-Committee Meeting held Wednesday 3 February 2021 (attached)

13.1 Killyrammer Disposal Update to CPR Committee (report attached)

14.   Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order   
