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24th August 2021 Corporate Policy & Resources Committee

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 24th August 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 22 June 2021 (summary attached)

4. Performance Section Business Plan Update (report attached)

5. Section 75 Annual Progress Report to Equality Commission for NI (report attached)

6. Community Plan Update including Summary Performance Reports Quarter 1 April – June 2021 (report attached)

7. NIPSO Complaints Consultation (report attached)

8. Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)

9. Conferences (report attached)

10. Correspondence

11.   Consultations (report attached)

12.   Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel


13.   Debt Management (report attached)

14. Land and Property Sub Committee Minutes 4 August 2021 (attached)

15. Agency Workers and Vacancy Control (report attached)

16.   Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order  12(o))

Alderman Duddy

(i)  Council resolved 'that the population of the Organisational Structure is completed within 6 months with no additional resources' on Tuesday 1st December 2020. This was unanimously agreed by all those in attendance at the meeting, yet this has not been completed. I am requesting a full explanation as to why nothing has been brought forward to committee to discuss?

(ii) Council employ through Agency a large number of persons. Some of those individuals have been employed by council through agency for numerous years. What efforts if any have been made by HR and the various Directorates to bring those individuals onto councils full-time employment?

(iii) Covid-19 has had an impact on our staff like many other organisations. Has HR adopted a new sickness policy in relation to those who have unfortunately suffered from Covid-19 and now have been diagnosed with 'long Covid'? If so when, and has this change in councils Sickness Policy been adopted by Council?

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