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24th July 2018 Council Meeting

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 24th July 2018 Time: 07:00 PM


1. The Mayors Business

2. Apologies

3. Declarations of Members’ Interests

4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 26 June 2018 (attached)

5. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 27 June 2018 (attached)

6. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side

7. Conferences (attached)

8. Correspondence (attached)

9. Consultation Schedule (attached)

10. Seal Documents

Grave Registry Certificates

10.1       Grave Registry Certificates, Coleraine, Ballywillan, Agherton and Portstewart Cemeteries (No’s No. 4659 – 4666 inclusive)

10.2       Grave Registry Certificates, Ballymoney Cemetery (No’s 2934 - 2936 inclusive)  

10.3       Grave Registry Certificates, Enagh Cemetery, Limavady
(No’s 478, 483-485 inclusive)


10.4       Licence Agreement Works Compound, Ramore Tennis Courts between   CC&GBC and FP McCann Ltd (ref CM 171128)

10.5       Indenture between the Assignors of first part and Assignees of second part with CC&GBC for 3 Berne Road, Portstewart (ref CM 180522)

10.6       Licence Agreement between CC&GBC and Ulster Bank Limited for car park space at 104-106 Main Street, Dungiven (reference CM 180424)

10.7       Deed of Consent to Enter Upon Lands for the Purposed of Undertaking Work at the Salmon Fishery, Portrush (Ref CM 170523)

10.8       CC&GBC to NIE – Lease substation site at the Harbour Portrush (Ref L&P 170906)

10.9       CC&GBC to NIE – Lease substation site at Quarry Hill Portrush (Ref L&P 170906)

11. Notice of Motion Submitted by Alderman Campbell, Seconded by Councillor Stevenson

‘That this council affirms its view to support the establishment of a more effective North West Roads Corridor linking Belfast to Londonderry, including substantive dualling of the entire route.

That is strongly lobbies those with authority to progress any agreed scheme, be it partial or entire, and to pursue any available outside monies for it with immediate effect.

In doing so council not only recognises the travel benefit to residents of the borough but the strong potential for economic growth, not least in terms of tourism, across the entire region.’

12. Notice of Motion Submitted by Alderman Robinson, Seconded by Councillor Knight-McQuillan

‘That this Council believes that in a pregnancy both lives matter, the mother and the unborn child. This commitment to the lives of both must be reflected in the support provided to mothers, the unborn children and their families throughout their pregnancy. This Council calls for a Perinatal Hospice Care or service in Northern Ireland to be established to provide the best medical and emotional support for those who are faced with the diagnoses of a severe life-limiting condition.’

13.    Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Stevenson, Seconded by Alderman        Campbell

          ‘That in the interest of inclusivity, accuracy and practicality, that the name      Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council be changed to a singular name   instead of a double name attached to a particular area which is not inclusive        of the entirety of the four legacy councils which amalgamated and that an   equality impact assessment be carried out on the current council name if it is   not changed’

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