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25th July 2017 Council

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 25th July 2017 Time: 07:00 PM


1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of Members’ Interests
4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 27 June 2017 (copy attached)
5. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 28 June 2017 (copy attached)
6. Rates Support Grant Delegation (report attached)
7. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side (date of next meeting Friday 11 August 2017)
8. Conferences (report attached)
9. Correspondence (report attached)
10. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
11. Seal Documents
Grave Registry Certificates 
11.1 Grave Registry Certificates, Coleraine, Ballywillan, Agherton and Portstewart Cemeteries (No’s 4518 - 4529 inclusive)
11.2 Grave Registry Certificates, Ballymoney Cemetery (2904 – 2906 inclusive)
11.3 Grave Registry Certificates, Rasharkin (No. 34)
11.4 Grave Registry Certificates, Enagh Cemetery, Limavady (No. 463)
Leases/ Licences/ Other
11.5 Wayleave Agreement between Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council and NI Electricity Networks, Main Street, Ballymoney
11.6 Licence Agreement for Park and Ride Services, Dubai Duty Free Irish Open
11.7 Licence Between Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Frazer Foyle Holdings Limited
12. Notice of Motion submitted, proposed and seconded by Councillors McCorkell, Clarke, Duddy and Callan.
‘That Council establish a fund to allow community groups to commemorate the centenary of the ending of the Great War and that relevant Council Departments work with interested groups to develop a suitable programme of events to mark this significant event’.
13. Notice of Motion submitted, proposed and seconded by Councillors Callan, Duddy, Clarke and McCorkell.
‘That this council recognises the three hundredth anniversary of the emigration
of over 700 Presbyterians from the Bann valley to Boston, America in the summer of 1718.
Rev James McGregor from Aghadowey Presbyterian Church, was the leader of the group which left Coleraine and emigrated to America.
Over the next two years approximately 2,600 Ulster Scots travelled to New England, and over the next 50 years and estimated 200,000 – 250,000 followed them to the New World.
This small group of men, women, and children who landed in Boston in 1718 can be regarded as the Ulster-Scots equivalent of the ‘Pilgrim Fathers’.
To celebrate this momentous historic event, within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area, monies should be set aside to permit groups to apply for, through council’s grant funding process’.
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14. Notice of Motion submitted, proposed and seconded by Alderman Hillis, Councillors Hunter, Baird and McCandless.
‘That Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, in the absence of a working Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Government, request James Brokenshire Secretary of State for Northern Ireland to review the delayed development of regeneration powers, with appropriate resources, to local Government in Northern Ireland and thereafter to urge consideration of the enactment of such devolved powers to Northern Ireland’s local authorities’.
15. Legal Opinion in respect of Call-In received on 3 & 4 April 2017 in respect of the decision of the Council on 28 March 2017 ( Foyle Ferry) (report attached)
16. Legal Opinion in respect of Call-In received on 3 & 4 April 2017 in respect of the decision of the Council on 28 March 2017 (Edward Street Social Centre) (report attached)