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25th May 2021 Corporate Policy & Resources Meeting

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25th May 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Draft Business Plans
3.1 Policy & Community Planning (report attached)
3.2 ICT (report attached)

4. Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)

5. Credit Card Policy (report attached)

6. Fire Safety Policy (to follow)

7. Audio Recording of Council and Committee Meetings (report attached)

8. Notes of Women’s Working Group Thursday 6th May 2021 at 7.00pm (attached)

9. Remote Council meeting/Standing Orders Report (report attached)

10. Land and Property
10.1 Local Testing Site (report attached)

11. Conferences

12. Correspondence 

13.    Consultations

14.   Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

15.   Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Callan, seconded by Councillor Holmes and supported by Alderman Robinson, Councillor Watton, Councillor McCandless referred from Council Meeting held 4th May 2021

       That this Council falls in line with the new guidance published by the Department 
       for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to have the Union flag flown on Council and
       Civic buildings every day (365 days). Therefore the following buildings would fly  
       the flag in accordance with this policy; Coleraine Town Hall, Cloonavin Council   
       Headquarters, Limavady Office (Connell St), Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre,
       Ballymoney Town Hall, Riada House, Portrush Town Hall and Portstewart Town  
       Hall. This list of buildings will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The Union Flag is
       the National Flag of the United Kingdom, and it is so called because it embodies
       the emblems of the constituent nations united under one Sovereign – the 
      Kingdoms of England and Wales, of Scotland and of Northern Ireland. 


16.    Debt Management (report attached)

17.   Land and Property Sub-Committee Minutes 5 May 2021 (attached)
 17.1 Coleraine Market Yard (report to follow)

18.  Correspondence from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (report attached)

19.   Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order  