
Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 26 Sep 2017 Time: 7:00 PM


1. The Mayor’s Business
2. Apologies 
3. Declarations of Members’ Interests
4. Presentation – Northern Ireland Water (copy attached)
To receive Des Nevin, Head of Customer Service, Maynard Cousley, Water Supply Senior Manager and Paul Davison, Head of Water Capital Procurement
5. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 22 August 2017 (copy attached)
6. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 23 August 2017 (copy attached)
7. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 5 September 2017 (copy attached)
8. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting held Wednesday 20 September 2017 (to follow)
9. Minutes of Leisure & Development Committee Meeting 
9.1 Meeting held Tuesday 12 September 2017 (copy attached)
9.2 Meeting held 21 September 2017 (to follow) 
10. Minutes of Corporate Policy & Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 19 September 2017 (to follow)
11. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side  
12. Conferences (report attached) 
13. Correspondence (report attached) 
14. Consultation Schedule (report attached)
15. Seal Documents
Grave Registry Certificates
15.1 Grave Registry Certificates, Coleraine, Ballywillan, Agherton and Portstewart Cemeteries (No’s 4543 - 4554 inclusive)
15.2 Grave Registry Certificates, Ballymoney Cemetery (No’s 2907 - 2910  inclusive)
15.3 Contract between Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Natural World Products
15.4 Permissive Path Agreements (3 No)
15.5 Wayleave Agreement between Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and NIE Networks
15.6 Licence Agreement between Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Seamus Black for Park and Ride Services, The Auld Lamas Fair
16. Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillors Quigley and Loftus
“This Council supports the Right to Work: Right to Welfare (R2W) group's "People's Proposal" aim at introducing a simple but vital checklist for social security decision makers.
This Council supports this aim and will write to the Permanent Secretary for the Department of Communities calling for the issuance of guidance to all Decision Makers, requiring them to ensure that both due process and impact assessments are undertaken and fully complied with in the decision making process”.

Related Files

4 - Presentation by NI Water

5 - 170822 Council Minutes

6 - 170823 Planning Minutes

7 - 170905 - Environmental Services Minutes

8 - 170920 - Audit Minutes

9.1 170912 - Leisure and Development Minutes

9.2 - Redacted Leisure and Development Minutes

10 - 170919 - Corporate Policy and Resources

12 - Elected members Conferences

13 - Correspondence

14 - Consultation Schedule