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27th April 2021 Corporate Policy & Resources Meeting

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 27th April 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 23 March 2021 (summary attached)

4.  Draft Business Plans (report attached)
4.1 Performance Business Plan (report attached)
4.2 Finance Business Plan (report attached)
4.3 ODHR Business Plan (report attached)
4.4 Democratic and Central Services (report attached)

5.  Prompt Payment Statistics (report attached)

6.  Data Sharing Agreement (report attached)

7.  Landfill Performance Deed (report attached)

8. Corporate Policies – ODHR 

8.1 Managing Use of Agency Workers (report attached)
8.2 Revised Code of Conduct (report attached)

9. Publication of Councillors’ Registration of Interests (report attached)

10. Audio Recording Council and Committee Meetings (report to follow) Item withdrawn from The Agenda

11. Conferences

12. Correspondence 

13.   Consultations

14.   Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel

15.   Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor MA McKillop, seconded by Councillor Beattie, referred from 30 March 2021 Council Meeting

 This Council notes Portrush resident Mark Ashton’s work and commitment as an activist for the advancement of LGBTQ+ rights and worker’s rights, especially coal miners during the Coal Miner’s strike of 1984/1985, recognises the importance of commemorating all those from our Council area who have fought for the rights of others, and calls for the immediate allocation of funds and identification of a suitable site, to take place in consultation with family and LGBTQ+ groups, for a suitable memorial to Mark Ashton within the Council area.

16.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor McCaw, seconded by Alderman Boyle, referred from 30 March 2021 Council Meeting

 This Council recognises the contribution made by former Portrush resident, the late Mark Ashton, to LGBTQ equality.  In recognition of this contribution, Council will erect a memorial bench at Portrush Town Hall to serve as a permanent memorial to Mark Ashton in his hometown.


17.   Debt Management (report attached)

18.   Business Case for Data Protection Officer (report attached)

19.  Data Breach Report (report to follow)

20.   Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order  12(o))

Councillor Wilson

1. My understanding is that Land and Property issues come under the remit of the CPR committee. If this is the case why has there been no discussion of the possible disposal of the lands adjoining the Dunluce Centre at Metropole Park?

2. Has this committee at any time agreed/recommended the disposal of the lands adjoining the Dunluce Centre?