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27th March 2018 Council Meeting

Full Council

Date: Tuesday, 27th March 2018 Time: 07:00 PM


1. The Mayor’s Business

2. Apologies

3. Declarations of Members’ Interests

4. Minutes of Council Meeting held Tuesday 27 February and Reconvened Council Meeting held Tuesday 13 March 2018 (copy attached)

5. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held Wednesday 28 February and Reconvened Planning Meeting held Monday 12 March 2018 (copy attached)

6. Minutes of Environmental Services Committee Meeting held Tuesday 6 March 2018 (copy attached)

7. Minutes of Leisure & Development Committee Meeting held Tuesday 13 March 2018 (copy attached)

8. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting held Wednesday 14 March 2018 (to follow)

9. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 20 March 2018 (to follow)

10. Matters for reporting to Partnership Panel – Local Government Side

11. Conferences

12. Correspondence

13. Consultation Schedule (report attached)

14. Seal Documents

Grave Registry Certificates

14.1       Grave Registry Certificates, Coleraine, Ballywillan, Agherton and Portstewart Cemeteries (No’s 4624-4633 inclusive)

14.2       Grave Registry Certificates, Ballymoney Cemetery (No’s 2924 - 2926)  

14.3       Grave Registry Certificates, Enagh Cemetery, Limavady  (No’s 475 -476)


14.4       Ref L&PSC 180207 / CM 180227: Deed of Consent and Variation between Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Causeway Hotel, Giants Causeway, Country Antrim  

14.5       Ref ES 180206 / CM 180227: Article of Agreement between Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Contractor for provision for the receipt and processing of NWRWMG Local Authority collected kerbside commingled recyclables

14.6       Ref L&D 171212 / CM 171219: Works Licence at Garvagh Forest between DEARA and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council 


15. Legal Opinion in respect of Call In Received 5 March 2018 regarding Car Parking Charges

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