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27th September 2022 Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 27th September 2022 Time: 08:00 PM


1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 28 June 2022 (summary attached)  
4. Annual Performance Self-Assessment (report attached)
5. Policies 
   5.1 Redeployment (report attached)
   5.2 Conflicts of Interest (report attached)
6. Timetable of Council and Committee Meetings January – May 2023 (report attached)  
7. Remembrance Events 2022 (report attached
8. Remote Meetings Legislation Meetings (verbal update)
9. Conferences 
10. Consultations 
11. Correspondence
12. Matters for Reporting to the Partnership Panel
13. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor P McShane, seconded by Councillor Quigley referred from Council Meeting, 26th July 2022 
"(A) That the Mayor ask the CEO to consider his position and resign. If not accept within 24hrs the Council dismiss the CEO
(B) That the Mayor instruct the Human Resources department to begin disciplinary investigations into two executive individuals identifiable in the Extraordinary Audit and one individual from the legal department.
* to consider their actions to include the findings of the extraordinary audit but not limited to
* to create a call for evidence to fully inform an investigation and extend the investigation should others be identified including elected members
* to ask that any person responsible for incurring or authorising any expenditure declared unlawful shall repay it in whole or in part to the Council and where two or more persons are found to be responsible, that they shall be jointly and severally liable to repay the Council 
*to use all legal powers at the disposal of the council and the legal system to obtain any resources, both assets and financial, that were lost to the ratepayers due to misconduct, malfeasance or unlawfully 
* to refer those identified individuals to their relevant professional bodies in light of the evidence in this report and any additional evidence that may be forthcoming during investigations 
* To consider all the above again at the next full council meeting should any voluntary resignations present themselves.
* to place on leave without prejudice all the individuals identified immediately 
(C) to request the most senior individual left in position be promoted to the 
position of ‘acting CEO’ only until a temporary replacement can be installed"

14. Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor P McShane, seconded by Councillor Quigley referred from Council meeting held 26th July 2022
That the Mayor ask the CEO to consider his position and resign. If not accept within 24hrs the Council suspend the Chief Executive, and instigate a disciplinary investigation under the 1996 protocol.
15. Amendments to Standing Orders (report attached)
16. Populating the Organisation Structure (report attached)
17. Corporate Services Management Accounts Period 4 2022/23 (report attached)
18. Minutes of the Land and Property Sub Committee meeting held 7 September 2022 (attached)
19. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))

     “Car parking pricing for Donaghy Brothers in Limavady” 

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